
Porcelain is VERY fragile...

A 68% match isn’t half bad! Congratulations?

So he can practice with his garage band in peace. Obvs.

I think in the case of Jeff Sessions, it’s more the pot calling the kettle white.

You only have to wait 23 more years to be represented by someone in your age demographic! You’re just “growing into” representation!

But he’s got all that dexterity from popping pills out one-by-one! While drunk!

Exactly. Just don’t tell Betsy DeVos. You know how she feels about our ursine brethren.

Of course! I’m a huge fan of the movie.

I don’t think the full movie is there BUT you CAN rent it on Amazon. IMO it’s entirely worth the $3.00.

Now playing

You can also watch her wonderful (and early) comedic chops in Starting Over. It pre-dates Murphy Brown by about a decade (and a half?) but she’s absolutely wonderful in it.

Real question, and not intended with disrespect: how is it the existence of the bodegas has to do with the (very real) violence that is in any given neighborhood? I wouldn’t think shutting down a bodega would necessarily stem violent shoot-outs that happen outside and/or around the actual bodega. And if bodegas

I think something like 3 of my hometown’s DARE officers were later separately arrested for...drugs.

And she’s WILL bring the brutality.

Especially with all that wind! Well bless him; he knows his metaphysics. 

I don’t want to brag or anything Joel, but I let the storm get in me twice last night...