Ginga Ninja

Won’t assholes troll this by intentionally dying over and over? I hope the global life count is set high enough to accommodate this type of bad behavior.

You sound like you must be really fun at parties

We’ll have to steal the 3D printer!

Don’t forget to stop by the local supermarket and rob them. No reason you shouldn’t have steak every night!

I came here to make this exact comment. Actually being denied something because you can’t afford it is a basic fact of life.

Bad news, if you eat oysters you aren’t vegan

Now playing

This video is of the first generation product, but probably at least a little relevant:

This video is of the first generation product, but probably at least a little relevant:

Ugh I know right. Being trapped in the NL Central is the worst.

TLDR; Millenial goes on vacation twice; is shocked when she realizes that experiences at age 16 are different at age 26.

Seems like the grill deal is over. It’s back up to full price on Amazon.

Seems like the grill deal is over. It’s back up to full price on Amazon.

From these photos it’s nice to see the LGBT community is supporting Kenny Chesney.

This comment reads like a Letters to Penthouse reject.

You don’t come here much do you?

I came here to say exactly this.

I feel your pain. I also live in the ass-backwards liquor/beer law having state of Pennsyltuckey.

I love this post so much.

Or worse, shenanigans!

Let’s be honest, no one actually lives in these, right? They’re just design projects.

Are you also German?