Ginga Ninja

Because I like the idea of “Done” being a separate area than “Trash”. There are emails I want to keep around (say, confirmation of payment of bills and such) but I don’t want them displaying in my Inbox all the time. That’s where the Done button comes in. For crap emails like the daily discounts from Newegg or

Yes, I do enjoy deleting emails and having a signature.

Great! But does it have support for email signatures yet?

Why are they playing in pajamas?

My girlfriend and I were just talking about something like this for high school students, we had almost the exact same idea of throwing them a financial curveball or two (like unexpected medical event, car accident, etc.) to show them that it's important to be ready for things like that. I think it really could

More importantly, will it blend?

Translation: "This is the last time you will hear about this from us, as we intend to do nothing."

Cool story, bro

Cool story, bro


This is awesome, I've been used car shopping recently and this place is about 100 miles away from where I live. Needless to say their listings come up in my internet searches often.

Eileen, you ignorant slut.

Bill Simmons?!

Counterpoint: no, they aren't.

He really does have an impressive man-rack though.


According to Lifehacker the only use for a Raspberry Pi is as a retro gaming system.

I'd love to be able to trim mine myself (my barber does it), so I'm constantly on the lookout for videos like this. There aren't any tips here though.

This really should be titled, "how your barber will trim your beard." I don't see tips for self-trimming in here, which is a totally different beast than having someone else trim it for you. I speak as a man with a large beard.

Editor's Note: *pointedly stares at people who get angry every time I mock Midwestern food sensibilities*