What?! People actually do this?
What?! People actually do this?
Cross-posting this article to Deadspin would really liven up the discussion here.
I love your recipes, and I plan on trying to soft-boil an egg for the first time after reading this. Can we get some more vegetarian recipes? I just started dating a vegetarian (I know, I know) and would like to impress her.
Who uses this many batteries?!
Who uses this many batteries?!
Where thesis = Reddit post
I too hope to one day work myself nearly to death, retire early with enough money to slack off for 4 months, then start a passion project which turns into additional income slash second career. Doesn't this happen to everyone?
At my school they were "Somebody Anybody Everybody", and they were eventually kicked off campus for drug and alcohol-related violations. Scummiest frat I can think of.
Who would want to vacation with their family as an adult?
Come down to Lawrenceville, C.A., I'll buy you a High Life.
Ugh, the Browns are gonna be TERRIBLE next year. I might not even watch.
Your commitment to your own principles and beliefs is strong, I see. Does your mom still tell you what you need to ask the doctor when you make an appointment?
Other than triangular, this is all the same cut, just a different styling method.
Not to diminish his accomplishment, but this dude is such a hoser.
The paperback costs less than the Kindle edition? Strange.
Like a median guardrail?
They did do an all-male SATC...it's called Entourage.
I really hope we can get an update on how this night ultimately played out. Inquiring minds want to know!
I recently came to the first point's conclusion while playing Destiny. People are much more likely to remember you/friend you/appreciate your contribution if you show up and know what you're doing. I do a lot of raiding with random people using Destiny LFG, and nothing is more frustrating then when someone shows up…
This meal filed under "foods that are white"
They're especially potent in this regard if you text them rapid fire style without waiting for answers.