Ginga Ninja

Not boring. It’s horrible. The worst combination of ignorance, poverty, and conservatism. The natural end state of modern Republican politics.

As someone who grew up in Indiana, I find your question hilarious.

Whatever Trump does these people will find the mental gymnastics to blame anyone but him.

What a bunch of grade A morons.

Rocket League, Rocket League, Rocket League, Rocket League, Rocket League, Rocket League Rocket League, Rocket League

The same thing I play every weekend: Rocket League.

Does he think we’ll still have internet access to look at his shitty website?

So is Draper even in the office today?

So pretty much exactly how you’d expect...

I really hope this doesn’t get cross posted to Jalopnik

It was like a million fantasy baseball players cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

Sick Raptor burns.

Presumably you would get the guy wearing dad-pants in your photo!

Oh man, I wish you were the owner. Here’s a quick snap I managed to take during rush hour a few years ago.

Is this your vehicle? Do you leave near Pittsburgh? Because I definitely have a photo of this van on 376 going up Greentree hill toward downtown. It’s the best van I have ever seen.

Looks like you’ll be travelling through a significant part of Real America

I’m confused, is this supposed to be funny?

Of course the cheesecake truthers show up.

And people like you are why we will never have strong environmental protection laws.