Ginga Ninja

I had the Bombfell service for almost a year, and I have to say I was unimpressed with the clothes they sent me. I’m 6'0", 230 lbs. and they often would send shirts and pants which didn’t fit. I took the time to input my exact measurements (bicep, chest, waist, arm length, neck), and after the second time I called my

No, it just loaded to the “You should learn Javascript” page.

When it finally did load for me, I didn’t even get to take a quiz, it just said “Javascript”. What a load of bull, I already know Javascript!

I’m not done with the series either, but my girlfriend’s theory is that Halbach’s brothers were somehow involved in the murder. Something about how sketchy they act makes them seem like they’re hiding something, no?


Thank you so much for this.

A lit cigarette cherry can’t ignite gasoline. That only happens in the movies.

There are two: “Personlization” should be “Personalization”, and “Non intrusive” should be one word “Nonintrusive”.

If they’re going to publish in English, they should hire a proofreader then. There is no excuse for mistakes in code, the same holds true for UI.

I generally avoid apps where there are blatant spelling errors in the interface.

Any chance this will stop this season of Serial and all reporting surrounding it?

Seems like an important thing to tell letter writer 2 is to do this breakup in a public place. If he’s prone to lashing out then the last place she will want to be is alone if he truly gets violent.

Can’t wait for the endless navel-gazing thinkpieces.

You sound like a fun person who gets invited to a lot of parties.

Why do they keep putting him on TV?


Undefeated 10-1!

You sound like you’re fun at parties.

What about the Deadspin comment section?

Rubio/Bush. Access to that sweet sweet fundraising money.