Ginga Ninja

It's kind of a 2-headed beast at the moment. The actual downloading happens through Sick Beard, Couch Potato, and sabnzbd running on the FreeNAS device. These programs are available as plugins in the interface, you can find tutorials on LH and other sites on how to download and configure them. As an aside, yes,

No, good on you for that. I just weighed the risk and my tolerance is pretty high. It should also be mentioned the RAID isn't true backup. Anyone building a NAS with RAID should have their critical data backed up in multiple places, including a secure cloud space.

How in fuck does this guy keep getting elected?!

I agree with you in principle, but for the way I use my NAS I'm comfortable with a likely loss of several blocks if I had to rebuild the disk image. Critical documents are backed up off-site and the rest of the storage is mostly used for video and images.

Last year I built a FreeNAS box with 4 2 TB WD Red drives (totaling 6 TB of storage with a one disk failure tolerance) for about the same price as JUST the enclosure if I went with something like Synology. It wasn't difficult and the whole thing is administered over the web, same as the embedded enclosures.

Mine has looked like that for a long time...Maybe they rolled it out to Prime users first?

Previous versions of this story on your affiliated websites had him sending his mother out to pick up a sandwich. WHICH ONE IS IT MARK?!

Or, you know, Destiny.

Sounds like this Mark guy was a real dreamboat.

I think he was thinking along the lines of "well, if they find the pot in the one bag, at least the other one will probably make it through!"

Ah yes, the Manziel argument.

Would you believe that it's actually about ethics in game journalism?

This is Missouri, he wasn't being punished because he was misbehaving, he was being punished because he is different.

Gawker claimed full custody of Beyonce's tit.

If I didn't know better, I would think that literally the only use for a Raspberry Pi is to build a "retro gaming console" whether it be in an arcade cabinet, game boy shell, or 3D printed case. Can we get some LH articles that feature the Pi in other projects? The retro gaming console has been covered to death.

Don't forget nursing!

It's like you read my mind.

People don't seem to realize that attention is what gives this guy power. If we could find a way to collectively ignore him he would probably self-destruct.

Apple invented getting butt hurt about other device users.

Now playing

I'd rather have a handcrafted wood emoji...