Ginga Ninja

I keep my work life and personal life very separate. I've been burned too many times by letting my co-workers into my private life. Everyone always has an angle, and you don't always know what it is.

No SVG? I need some ammunition in my battle with our documentation department that SVG is not the be-all, end-all of graphics formats.

I think he should add Aaron Hernandez as well.

Wait, can we talk about how you think coffee grounds are a delicious food?

I'm not sure what you're so angry about, I just complimented Katie on correctly describing the business model of crowdfunding.

Now, Kickstarter isn't a place to buy things. It's not an investment opportunity. It's a place to gamble on helping creators bring their visions for future projects into reality, and sometimes those visions can shift dramatically. That is something everyone should know going into crowdfunding.

So before I get jumped on, I realize that "Obama's" is probably supposed to be a contraction of "Obama has", but it just doesn't look right.

Who is editing these headlines guys? What in the actual fuck is that apostrophe doing there?

Bitching about things on the internet.

I'm the same way, I have a pack with me when I drink, and I sometimes have one after work to relax, but I'm not a smoker the way I was in college, sucking down a pack a day. That being said, I'm still a smoker. I don't go around telling people I quit and then smoking when I go to the bar.

I haven't had a cigarette yet today.

Bad news: if you're still bumming cigarettes, you didn't quit.

I'm actually curious about how she gets the cat to sit still long enough to use the buzzer on it. My cat would be heading for the hills if I got a buzzer even in the same room with it.

You bought a human?!

I really like Inbox, but I agree with you about the delete thing. Why did they make it so hard to trash a message? There are some messages that I don't want archive, I just want them out of my storage. Hopefully it's something the Inbox team addresses in the future.

Oh, I almost got taken by the Kobe Jerky! I also have backed a couple that went on forever and then delivered subpar products (Crabby Wallet). I just get weirded out by the backers who comment on projects and seem to think that their $20 gives them some kind of control over the direction of the product/company.

You know you can refuse the reward and just give them money, right?

I don't disagree, but pre-ordering is a much more apt metaphor for crowdfunding. Investing implies a return on your money, or stake in ownership of the startup, neither of which you get when you throw your money at something on KS or IGG.

Neither Kickstarter or IndieGoGo are investing. They are extremely early pre-order systems.