Bitching about things on the internet.
Bitching about things on the internet.
I'm the same way, I have a pack with me when I drink, and I sometimes have one after work to relax, but I'm not a smoker the way I was in college, sucking down a pack a day. That being said, I'm still a smoker. I don't go around telling people I quit and then smoking when I go to the bar.
I haven't had a cigarette yet today.
Bad news: if you're still bumming cigarettes, you didn't quit.
I'm actually curious about how she gets the cat to sit still long enough to use the buzzer on it. My cat would be heading for the hills if I got a buzzer even in the same room with it.
You bought a human?!
Thanks for making it that much easier to filter your self-important emails.
I'm the same way now. I've been burned too many times with the endless email exchange. Now it's 2-3 messages and we're meeting for coffee/beer or a polite thanks for responding but I'm looking to actually meet people.
You said what I came here to say. Using the language of investment or even the term "investing" when describing what you are doing on Kickstarter is extremely misleading. I've seen many commenters on KS who mistakenly believe that they are purchasing a controlling interest in a project, or even the right to have…
Looks like I'll be heading over to Oakland this weekend for some Palestinian food.
Same here. I have their regular debit card and I get all my ATM fees reimbursed.
Since most inseminations happen in hospitals it's possible that the hospital laboratory mixed up vials as well. I used to work in a fertility clinic in this exact region of Ohio that I was convinced would eventually make a mistake along these lines. I eventually left the job because their record-keeping practices…
This is really not home automation so much as it's home monitoring.
How are Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith not on this list?
Oh boy, here comes the internet dick measuring contest.
Chris, don't forget about this gentleman poster.
Holy crap, it wants me to buy 10 pairs of shoes and 4 suits. I told it I wear suits "rarely/never." I like nice clothing but how much does the average person spend on it?!
This looks like something Epic Meal Time would create, not something an actual human being should consume.