
Yeaaaah. Like I HATED my nose when I was a kid. Literally would stare in the mirror and think about getting plastic surgery. My lovely mother would have none of that and just kept reiterating that I was lovely just the way I was.


We thought they were stars. Wrong.

He tries so hard to be him.

A 17 year old may have been high?!?!?!

A 17 year old millionaire who is dating a rapper in his mid twenties is using the marijuana? SHOCKING!

I was only half paying attention to the episode after the whole “Frankenstein” thing, but why didn’t they just call Cas, tell him the name of the motel, and have him boom tube down there and vaporize hill person Frank with the fury of 1,000 suns? He’s got his grace back, doesn’t he? So...what the fuck?

Eh. It comes across to me like the product of someone who has believed that everything she does is fascinating and creative from the day she was born.

Eh. You can be Southern (and even be proud of being Southern/appreciate the South) without being racist. Now, I won’t go so far as to argue ‘heritage, not hate’, because fuck anyone who, in 2015, is still pretending not to know what the Confederate flag represents. But as an atypical Southerner (in the traditional

Reese simply wants to remind us all that there is a reason why she is named “Reese Witherspoon”, after all.

Bless her heart, I can go to Dilliards or Belks for my southern lifestyle needs.

I honestly clicked to see what the captions would be. Was/was not disappointed.

Whoever buys this is doing you a favor in signaling that you should not know them.

We clicked on it, but we did not buy the book. There are people who are buying the book. We will always be better than those people.

she sounds like she is 12

Or just a really convenient auto-correct.

I want those sunglasses so bad I might kill for them
