
I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.

It's amazing that anyone would think it was OK to make a comment at a time like that.

I starred this, but not because I approve of your mom’s behavior.

Who the fuck am I?” Well the word vapid comes to mind as my first guess.

Go into a bathroom and turn off the lights. Light a candle and throw water on the bathroom mirror. Then say forcefully:

I used to work at the Center for Medical Progress, and one time I heard my coworkers planning to frame Lee Harvey Oswald for the Kennedy Assassination.

In the mid/late 80s, when I was a burgeoning goth girl, my junior high self would pore over and dogear the J. Crew catalog, dreaming of the days when I could afford their clothes. My memory of the details are hazy, but the clothes really appealed to my ankh-wearing, Depeche Mode listening younger self and fit the

The muffin was good. I don’t know if it was actually paleo though as opposed to just healthyish (no bleached flour or refined sugar, and sweetened with honey) because I don’t know what paleo actually is. DON’T TELL ME PLEASE, I DON’T CARE.

Quit just past the 1 minute mark. I am an old and life is too short.

Ugh Doe Deere is the biggest lying scumbag ever. Please don't buy shitty lime crime makeup, it's literally dollar store shit in a fancy package at a 300% markup. Kind of off topic but had to be said.

I have done my one good deed for the year. I AM DRUNK WITH POWER.

Your comments are generally delightful. Ungreyed.

I rue the day I read the explanation of the greys and its meaning, as it has given me another meaningless and ridiculous Internet-related thing to obsess about.

“If only you knew my past. Everybody makes mistakes.”

I’d comment, but I seem relegated to languish forever in the grays, out of sight, out of mind, just like, thankfully, the Duggars.

YES!!! Here’s hoping they replace it with 19 Guinea Pigs and Counting

This map is kinda criminal in leaving out goetta, a fantastic diner breakfast treat from Cincinnati.

The irony is that a free spirited, independent young woman with New Agey views like Willow Smith would not be super welcome at Mecca.