
This was her attempt to show a softer side, and get the fans back in her corner.”

Fucking hell! What state/country/island/planet do I need to avoid to steer clear of that?

Nah. Old school Woody is still great, Annie Hall is still one of my ten favorite movies ever. You can separate the art from the guy.

Is he like a CIA-planted-C4-truther or is he a why-did-the-Bush-administration-ignore-Richard-Clarke’s-warnings truther? There’s an important distinction but they get lumped together.

Why do you care why I’m commenting on this thread? I find the topic interesting and I allow myself to express outrage at annoying people like Kris Jenner from time to time. And if you’re so above it all, and your time is so very precious, why are you replying to me?

I guarantee Kris thought it wasn’t good for the Kardashian brand to participate in the interview.

I think she also wanted to see what the public reception was before she said anything. Once she saw he was being heralded for his bravery, she gave all the Kardashians permission to chime in (note that none of them sent out supportive messages on social media until the interview had aired).



We’re not shocked that Kris Jenner isn’t completely honest, are we?

Good old Kim, making sure she’s the one who is still front and center, even when the news has absolutely nothing to do with her.

I’m so bored of people mistaking me for a serial killer.....wait a minute...

I do have some southern ancestors so I might have slave owners in my family tree. I’m not sure about that. I’d have to dig a little deeper.

What’s his name? I want to read about him.

My grandfather was probably definitely a Nazi.

I have a feeling that this got pitched as “Gail Collins and Lily Tomlin,” (which is a show I would watch all f-ing day) and got MASSIVELY downgraded. Dowd and Cummings was the last stop before Douthat and Carrot Top or Friedman and Gallagher.

Jesus, Maureen Dowd, seriously an HBO pilot. Here let me give the 10 second summary of virtually every Dowd column: “Democratic Men aren’t manly enough, Democratic Women are too manly, what’s wrong with my dating life. Random pop cultural reference or digression demonstrating a complete detachment from reality.”

I feel like I’m one of the few people that download all their music from iTunes. I probably spend about $10-$20 a month, which really isn’t a lot and just makes my life so much easier than trying to finagle a way to get free music. Also, I like having all the album artwork on iTunes, for some strange reason.

I would purchase a Martha Stewart vaporizer. As long as the pattern is a cute floral or something.