
OK. Well... let’s take it back a few steps?

Apple Products.

Does she have a good record (voting record) with gay people? The only thing I can think of when I hear Clinton is DOMA and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Granted, that was her husband, but assumably, she supported him.

I worked in a small "Greek" restaurant while I was in college. (I use the term "Greek" lightly because we served cheese fries and fried mashed potatoes with our gyros. It's the south, what did you expect?)

I love manatees. I would be so happy if one swam close to me. This girl doesn't know that she's living the dream.

As a native Floridian, I would pay good money to see a movie where Spring Breakers are gummed to death by a manatee.

I haven’t read that one. I got so impatient and irritating with all the muckraking that I finally had to walk away. It’s just ... damn ... I’m so tired of muckraking, really.

It’s already going on over at Gawker. “Here is an email that could be a problem HAD HILARY ANSWERED IT!! We don’t have any evidence of it. Yet. But, we’ll keep looking. Sure! No actual laws were broken, by by cracky, we’ll make it happen!!!”

Well the staffers spoke to a tell all author, so looks like the Clintons had a reason to be paranoid after all.

Thomas Edison was a massive asshole.

Both of these pictures are so fucking terrifying now I think he must be the spawn of Satan.

Tina Fey in Murderpants.

Oh no I’d say she is the more crazy one. Ann Coulter comes across as trolling most of the time. Like she knows she is being ridiculous and divisive, and she thinks it’s fucking hilarious. Ingraham seems to legitimately believe and advocate for everything she says.

I sat in the middle of sidewalk and ate it and wept because it was so good. SO. GOOD.

Ice cream cone, filled with a little carmel sauce, soft serve on top, dunked in chocolate magic shell and a little sea salt sprinkled on top.



It's a lyric from a Beyonce song, but I don't get the point in repeating a slut-shaming lyric here in DirtBag either. I know a lot of people roll their eyes at Monica and the Ted talk, but I feel bad for her. It sucks that 20 years later people are still using a bad choice (made as a kid in her early 20s, mind you) as