Eh. It comes across to me like the product of someone who has believed that everything she does is fascinating and creative from the day she was born.
Eh. It comes across to me like the product of someone who has believed that everything she does is fascinating and creative from the day she was born.
Eh. You can be Southern (and even be proud of being Southern/appreciate the South) without being racist. Now, I won’t go so far as to argue ‘heritage, not hate’, because fuck anyone who, in 2015, is still pretending not to know what the Confederate flag represents. But as an atypical Southerner (in the traditional…
Reese simply wants to remind us all that there is a reason why she is named “Reese Witherspoon”, after all.
Bless her heart, I can go to Dilliards or Belks for my southern lifestyle needs.
Welcome to Midweek Madness, where we take photos of ourselves for 10 years and then put them together in a 455-page…
I honestly clicked to see what the captions would be. Was/was not disappointed.
Whoever buys this is doing you a favor in signaling that you should not know them.
We clicked on it, but we did not buy the book. There are people who are buying the book. We will always be better than those people.
she sounds like she is 12
Or just a really convenient auto-correct.
I want those sunglasses so bad I might kill for them
“This was her attempt to show a softer side, and get the fans back in her corner.”
Fucking hell! What state/country/island/planet do I need to avoid to steer clear of that?
Nah. Old school Woody is still great, Annie Hall is still one of my ten favorite movies ever. You can separate the art from the guy.
Is he like a CIA-planted-C4-truther or is he a why-did-the-Bush-administration-ignore-Richard-Clarke’s-warnings truther? There’s an important distinction but they get lumped together.
Why do you care why I’m commenting on this thread? I find the topic interesting and I allow myself to express outrage at annoying people like Kris Jenner from time to time. And if you’re so above it all, and your time is so very precious, why are you replying to me?
I guarantee Kris thought it wasn’t good for the Kardashian brand to participate in the interview.