
I think money and fame are far more important. In fact, I don’t think race matters at all in the upper echelons of society. Furthermore, it seems the dynamic between “old money” and “new money” has changed significantly with the former having lost its power to proclaim who is a “somebody” and who is not.

Pearls clutched. Lawn cleared. Sometimes it’s good to be old.

That was a fairly ugly contest with the Christianist organizing to vote against the gay kid by voting for a guy no one remembers.

I’m in favor of a waiting period for buying a gun, though!

My ears were sticky-outy when I was a kid and I hated it. I was thrilled when I read about some celebrity having had her ears “pinned” when she was a child. My mom was less enthusiatic, but said that might be an option when I grew up if I still felt strongly about it. However, at some point my ears decided to lay flat

My husband and I came a little late to Adventure Time, so we’ve been playing catch-up. I truly love it, but I can only take it in small doses—one at a time. Each episode is so perfect, I need time to wrap my brain around its awesomeness. My husband, OTOH, could watch 10 straight through and they start to annoy me if I

He isn’t judgy or wrong. He’s just noting the passing of everyday eloquence born of a reliance on the written word. I was just reading some letters to my great-grandmother from one of her grandchildren who was in France in WWII. Another moderately educated guy who wrote exceedingly well by today’s standards in spite

The hand is too big.

Are you my husband?

That’s because she has a <ahem> cool mom.

My pearls!

On one hand, I totally agree with what you’re saying, but I do give her a lot of credit for wading into some interesting creative territory—she has pretty good artistic sensibilities for a person so young. She may prove to have significant talent if she sticks with it and doesn’t just dabble and wait for her dad to

She’ll be back. I’m calling it. I think Rowena will play a role in that and it will probably alter Charlie—they seemed to put a point on her saying she wasn’t a witch—maybe Rowena will turn her.

I don’t think Charlie’s dead either and I’m pretty sure Rowena will have something to do with it for just the reasons you site.

If you’re going to fetishize the south, at least go for the bourbon/rusted tin roof/barbecue/hoodoo/church lady-sweet tea route. Not this crap.

We were visiting my MIL in NC recently and went to a Belks. Good lord—the men’s golf shirts and pants! It was like a unicorn barfed in Giverny.

I remember when I was 9 writing that I wanted to be an “arthur” when I grew up. Kim is a great arthur.

It’ll be easy to figure out—it will likely be the only book they own.


Why am I suddenly remembering the diary I kept when I was 11?