
A quick search can pull up sports related fatalities from any area, because individual ass-hattery is not regionally specific. Actually it seems like the south is more pre-disposed than either coast to kill in the name of fandom, but I'll give you that Candlestick seems to be a particularly violent area.


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So right... you east coast guys show so much more restraint when it comes to your sports teams.

so so good. ribot + zorn isn't bad either

Like a comic once said in response to just this kind of smugness: you're gonna feel real silly dying of Nothing.

I didn't read past your second line, because I'm a hetero white male who went to public school in Dallas, Texas, so if I didn't end up being a thoughtless, mouth breathing fuckstick then you have little excuse either. Try this: instead of getting your truck nutz in a bunch over how the queerz are taking over whatever

My favorite part was when you called the struggle for basic human equality the "flavor of the month", as if this conflict has not been going on, in some form or another, for the last half century or so. That part made me laugh.

tl;dr? It's a long piece format website. Why the fuck would you even bother clicking?

Such a good example of why spelling matters

Oxycontin begs to differ.

and now everything makes sense

That's good. Made me laugh.

I think you are hitting on it with the draft. I think new talent affects the league far more significantly than in other sports. I also think the inverse is true: messing up on a pick (drafting Kwame) will set you back for years. Think of Portland struggling with Oden: at what point does a team admit that their draft

Oh poor McNabb. You want into this huddle so bad but no one will call your number.

You know the more I think about it, the more it occurs to me what a special piece of work you are. You literally take someone to task over taking offense to something, and then immediately turn around and try to fucking shame me when you are the one offended. When you are offended, I am a bigot, ignorant and angry.

That whole clique dig stung, huh? Truth hurts, they say.

Do you sincerely think any one gives a shit enough to read this discussion? You fucking do, don't you? Jesus you're the goddamn worst.

Hey, much more interesting topic: what's up with you and "w/r/t"? The fuck is that about?

I wasn't implying that you have sex with Raysism. I was watching you jerk him off in public. There's a difference.

My parents are circle jerking over on LifeHacker's board tryna win a year's supply of Go Fuck Yourself.