
I’ve watched them a few times and they seem to play everyone tough. Almost beat the Spurs a couple weeks back, IIRC.

Not that a coach's personal shenanigans has anything to do with the NCAA infractions he leaves behind once a better offer comes along, but you really want to back Cal on a personal level? I'd bet a paycheck he's personally murdered at least half as many hookers as Craig James.

He may not be THE face of corruption but his past track record certainly suggests his programs are just as "dirty" as any other, so I'm not seeing how he'd get a pass there. Really what is the difference between him and Bobby Petrino?

yeah that was awful

You know, because most weddings feature a steady diet of hip hop club bangers.

How nice of you to take a perfectly decent story and fuckin' rain on it with your entitled ignorance. Speaking as a generality, I'd gladly trade for half of Mexico's worst if it meant we got to get rid of mouth-breathing jackanapes like yourself in the process.

Seems pretty clear to me. Everything except: who is Chowder?

Yeah, you think Will Smith's kids turned out weird, just wait.

Tampa: weather, taxes, strippers, drugs. Try again.

If you're familiar with the attitude around here you'd realize this isn't the case. No one here thinks he has any loyalty to adhere to. It's that he's sabotaged his own value, which could easily lead to complicating his own preferred exodus. Since he has a list of desirable teams, it's clear he'd prefer to get out of

I get what you're driving at but the sentiment misses here. With guitars, especially acoustics, a handmade guitar from a quality builder is better than the assembly line stuff cranked out by factories. Evidence of this: even with your high volume guitar makers (Fender, Gibson) they recognize the difference between a

No court would rule in her favor.

Trevor is here to talk college basketball, you guys.

Funny in retrospect: all the scouting questions coming out of college as to whether or not he could play the point in the NBA.

Who are these savages putting lettuce in tacos? Cilantro? Sure. Fucking lettuce? On what planet?

2 and half minutes of pure filth. Thnx.

Look how many bands you've seen are listed below Steve-O from Jackass.


Really well played.