Man, back your shit up.
Man, back your shit up.
Oh good. Lets have this debate now on a sports site.
Man just read the reply to Hammer. I can't keep explaining shit to every one of you fucking mouths. Nuance goes both ways, though. Keep that in mind.
It's very interesting to me that you can read such nuance into Ray's statement, but fail so miserably when trying to apply it to mine, particularly since I've already given you an explanation as to my meaning. It's almost as if you have a blind bias towards Ray (which would be weird, since that's exactly what I'm…
It wouldn't be too much to ask, just too much for you to understand. Since there is a clique mentality to the comment board here it definitely qualifies as day in, day out circle jerking... or do you guys just +1 each other's totally average comments because your senses of humor are that fucking underdeveloped?
Oh, what? Are gay jokes out of bounds? Then stop circle jerking other commenters in front of the rest of us, dipshit.
Well, speaking of heroes: Your swift & impassioned defense of your boyfriend's tasteless shitty joke should also be recognized in the annals of Fuckdom. Thank you for your bravery.
Wanted to add, because it really is more important than all these tips: if you find yourself arrested, get a lawyer. Do not ever let a public defender represent you. Their job is to process you into the system, and you will ALWAYS get a better deal with your own council.
Yes but in all honesty, that's only like, the 5th or 6th worst thing about Florida.
This. Also also: you'd be surprised how many practicing officers are themselves unfamiliar with proper legal protocol when you make them run through its paces. They are so used to running roughshod over individual liberties that often, when you make them do things the right way, they become frustrated and choose to…
Sure. And I'm no purist, nor do I hold disillusions about the point of a sports league. In my opinion though, the NFL has compromised the entertainment value of their sport, specifically as a result of measures taken to do the opposite.
The (somewhat justified) knock I often hear regarding the NBA is that with so much…
The commercialism Homosaur was referencing, I think, has nothing to do with what the players make and everything to do with stupid movie tie-ins, product partnerships that make no sense, whatever the fuck SNF does with their theme song, etc. And I'd back his opinion. I haven't watched the NFL in a few years, but every…
Well, in all fairness, it's because two of those things are annoying as fuck, and the third is a deadly weapon that is often used inappropriately, particularly when being brandished by dipshit supporters of the other two.
I have reliable intel that Jon Gruden eats his steak medium well. You do not want his culinary opinion on anything, I assure you.
Stupid question but am I the only one that knows Ikea has a website that you can order shit from so that your neighbor doesn't have to run furniture errands for you like its 1852?
I kinda think it eats shit
Fuggler. Awesome.
You'd think after like, almost 30 yrs of internetz, people would learn how it works.
You'd think after like, almost 30 yrs of internetz, people would learn how it works.