
You can wear it over your ass, but your ass can’t sit on it. I think. Flag rules are weird.

But its ok to wear it as a swimsuit.

What are ‘transformers’?

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they make these host countries build all this bullshit. Use the existing facilities. Isn’t that part of the whole “hosting” thing? To show off your country’s charms? If a country doesn’t have the infrastructure to host the games as is, then don’t fucking go there.

This take is wrong AND bad.

6th generation Texan here, and I’ve never seen them served as a side, always a condiment.

Even by your comment, pickles and onions are not a side. They are at most a condiment like extra sauce. If I order bbq and you tell me I get 2 sides, you’re going to toss me some fucking spicy pickles and chopped onions and call it a day? Fuck that. Fuck all of that.

Pickles? Opinion invalid. No wonder Texas sucks.

Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I get the sense that Trump fans aren’t going to recognize this as art/protest and simply will go “HURR DURR! LOOKIT THEM NAKED BROADS!!!”

Thats actually pretty upsetting. I really liked the series.

Her attorney is garbage.

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Maybe the movie was specifically for Kevin Smith?

Some people have seen this film and liked it. Some people have seen it and disliked it. I’d normally say “see it for yourself and make your own opinion”... but I won’t, because I didn’t just dislike the film, I HATE it. I utterly DESPISE this film.

I had a friend literally say, “this movie isn’t for critics, it’s for comic book fans.”

Words can’t describe how fucking horrible this movie was. I figured after MoS that it couldn’t possibly get any worse. I was wrong. Snyder has now joined the ranks of my personal “Don’t bother to watch a movie done by him” list he is hanging out there with M. Knight Shyamalan and a few others that just turn out shit

I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying

Did ANYONE think this was going to be good? This looked bad from the word go. I would much rather watch “Kathie Lee v. Hoda”.

Democrat from Kentucky, which is the least believable thing in the film

When all else fails, remember: Zack Snyder is, has been, and will be a hack director.