
I mean, this is mostly fine.

He also utterly destroyed the American economy for a decade and a half. Enmiserating millions of people and shredding the safety net he promised we wouldn’t need anymore. Are we sure he isn’t evil?

I can tell you how they kept it covered for two decades; the same way every athlete factory shuts up talk of their players’ crimes: They tell the local press to shut up, the local press nods its head and says, ‘Yes, sir. Hope we do well in the postseason, sir.’

a quote like that, in the context youre using it, seems to imply that all men are capable of killing a woman in the event of rejection.

So the LA Rams go back home and this makes Cardinals fans upset?

Keep in mind that many of these Rams fans are also Cardinals fans.

Hey, remember when St. Louis threw a bunch of public money at the NFL to steal a team with an established fanbase back in the mid-’90s, and they were the bad guys? Karma’s a bitch, and James Busch Orthwein can finish that bag of dicks Bob Kraft gave him in ‘94. St. Louis had to settle for the Rams, and you live by the

"The market lacks a robust regional area from which to draw individuals and corporations that are not already attending games and purchasing tickets."

Fuck em. We don’t need them and obviously they don’t need us.

Now playing

I’m from St.louis, an i swear that the Ram’s fans are the epitome of why this city such shit. Jon Oliver did a good piece awhile back on this. Plus, wasting public money on this - the rams make good few billion dollar every fucking year, and they can’t pay for it? they keep all the fucking revenue from concessions,

It’s a classic example of a hackneyed joke. It’s one of those dumb gags that made its way into every standup routine every hack did at the Improv in the late 80s, and sometime in the mid 90s a lot of comedians who are now creepy old men themselves (like Seinfeld) but were young Turks back then would use it as an

Haven’t read the article yet. I’m grumpy. Hate Xmas,. But in response to the headline: until modern society stops tolerating mass shootings pretty much everyday, including the slaughter of 6 yr old kids at school, modern society has no right to be shocked by anything. Fuck Xmas and fuck America.

The original shooting script used to actually FILM the scene states that Han shoots Greedo before he gets a shot off.

I thought his motivation was “I took a drug that made me completely batshit insane.”

You pretty much have to change the entire movie and scrap the entire redemption storyline.


“The question of what instigated that is what we’re trying to figure out,” Laing said.

I think this country has enough assholes running around. We don't need another one occupying public office.

This isn't a product of 'outrage culture'. It's a product of him punching a coworker, which is likely to get you sacked no matter who you are or what you bring to the organization. Nobody wants to work for/with a person who thinks violence is an acceptable option for conflict resolution.

Am I the only one who thinks that Lego Delorean looks like ASS?