Absolute Unit 01

lol wow maybe.. that's not such a good idea after all. That cat fucked him up bad. I feel bad for the little guy. Hell I didn't even know cats eat spiders.. that's new.

Here's what you'll need. One tarantula, one cat, one aquarium, romantic music and spider porn. Let the games begin.

Ha! Thanks. Seems I am having a dyslexic day. Correction made.

I saw that too. How do you misspell Oda twice when there's a big picture that spells out his name?

Still, it'd be Nobunaga Oda, not Oda Nobunaga.

Hmm, I wonder what William Tell would be....


All this drug abuse is going to make people catatonic.

My contribution so far:

Olaf JAMS into first!

It's like that scene in The Dark Knight where the guy in the courtroom tries to shoot Harvey Dent, except the gun that doesn't work is grammar.

Just nostalgiaed so hard

Here's my TF purchases in the past year:

Since January 1, I've bought:

this because kids don't have awesome toys like this

They took his red stapler.

Shouldn't they all be naked... you know... to stay true to the source.

It's fleshed out more in the book. The more he learns about the formics the more he emphasises with them. They manage to communicate with him via manipulating the giant's game and the situations where he's killed other boys to protect himself hurt him deeply. He's not a killer, he just does what he has to to stop any

I lost my shit seeing this and the chase guy