Absolute Unit 01

Players just might have to speak for the dead...

What's up with all the 80's/90's music on this discussion being stuff I secretly listen to a bunch? I swear, if someone posts the Neverending Story theme song I'm gonna pull out my tinfoil hat..

Fast as lightning.


I fart in your general direction.


I played through as default male Shep first (I know, I know =P) and FemShep second. However, I'm stuck near the start of Mass 3 with her. Her face has changed so much thanks to Bioware screwing up the original face morphs for an official FemShep that she just doesn't look the same in Mass 3. All I can think is "...That

Stay classy San Diego.

To be fair, it looks like FemShep is game for doing the second verse :D

I married a blue eyed, brown eyed girl, but my Shepherd was green eyed and red haired as well. ;)

Damn straight

LMAO...I did.....buuuuut my Shep was really just my Human Grey Warden from DAO made in the ME universe instead...and by God do I love her. XPPP

same here.

Same here! I used the hairstyle used for Traynor in ME3. Very proud of ol' Kal Shepard the Paragon.

Definitely my Shepard though.

I wholeheartedly agree.

Nay Online is a deviant that sucks on its mothers teets long past the age. It doesn't even look like his father and it doesn't behave well either.

It's fun for some to watch people do extraordinary things you couldn't. It's the same reason many gamers watch amazing players do speed runs or live streams or crowd around for EVO (even though they could easily fire up that game and play it themselves if they'd like).

Nope. Our sport is football, we only called it "soccer" after the introduction of "association football" (long form). Earliest recorded use of "football" as a singular term comes from Newcastle in 1308. Your handegg comes much later.