Absolute Unit 01

Well, I enjoyed that.


Holy shit.

A vicious cycle of dads never coming home, thus creating the trainers who beat the fathers. Valid idea to Ash's never seen father.

while Battletech did steal the design of the Destroid defender, it wasn't the Jagermech pictured above. The Rifleman is the mech that copied that design

Ah, another MechWarrior design stolen from Robotech/Macross. That's a Destroid Defender/Raider X. MechWarrior has updated the image a bit, but you can still tell by comparing the feet, double-barreled arms, and big radar antenna on the top.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R will be fun... holy fuck, just imagine Controllers.

I played both Metro games on 160" 3D screen at night. That was enough, no chance in this thing.

I cannot hit the recommend button enough. Thanks for the link.

Infinite Ryvius was fantastic, and nobody watched it.

It's different and be ready for some SERIOUS Super Robot action but it is DEFINITELY worth a watch and is one of my most recommended shows of last season.

Fus Goudah?

im a smoker but completely agree with laws stopping kids being around it in cars. to be fair they should really have a law requiring a test before you have kids, some people are just too dumb, hence we need laws like these

Your comment is full of too much win that it's crashing my computer.

You're free to smoke. Just not in a place that would ruin another's experience by poisoning them. You don't have the freedom to poison someone with arsenic, afterall. Smoking is hardly any different.

90's friends were awesome xD

Note however that they are not at all the same engine: ToH was an Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead spin-off whose engine was the branching-off point for DayZ standalone while Arma 3 branches off from Operation Arrowhead, but Take On Mars is based on a modified version of the engine used in Carrier Command: Gaea Mission,