Intimate LAN parties were the best parties, though one year we branched out into our host's garage and tripled our usual crowd. It was great; met a lot of friends there that I still keep in touch with today. One of them enjoyed the fact that I brought a Dreamcast with a VGA box to hook it up to my PC monitor, and…
Don't be dissing on Psycho Circus now :P
Big low-level APIs, namely OpenGL and DirectX (the D3D component) are pretty significant too. OpenGL 3 really started picking up steam in that period (OGL 4 was released in 2010 but is not widely used yet thanks to f****ing AMD). Direct3D finally caught up somewhat with DX11.
Dammit Bashcraft, we decided on calling it a "bro"!
Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies) and Mimi wo Sumasiba (Whisper of the Heart) are probably more accurate comparisons to this film. It's been a while since Ghibli has done a non-fantasy, more serious film, but this type of film certainly insn't new to Studio Ghibli.
Judging from the size of the hand, I'd say she's in her 64th trimester.
It is a pretty serious threat after all against this unspecified school. Especially in the context of his friend just calling him crazy.
Can we get a movement of people posting clearly sarcastic, unrealistic death threats followed by, "lol" and "jk"?
Your answer is not only funny, but informative.
I applaud you kind sir.
I really wish FF8 would get half the attention 7 does. It was my first RPG ever and holds such a special place in my heart. I know there are better games, but I still consider it my favorite of all time (Tales of Symphonia and the original Mass Effect come oh so close from taking that title away though).
Too right. I would. And I'd have to dig my grandmother up first.
If I spray my forearms down with this and dive into the ocean, would my water-resistant arms be more effective at punching sharks?
I command you demon! Leave this boy's body in my name! Unclench his buttcheeks! BEGONE!
Rupture? I don't even know her! HEYO!
Ha, het daai laaste "raai" gelees as iets anders...maar dit maak ook sin as jy dit vervang met "n***". Lol.
Too soon.