Absolute Unit 01

Same here, the first is so weirdly paced.

I hate Oshii’s GITS. The manga and SAC are the best IMO. That’s movie’s pacing and complete lack of Shirow’s art style killed it for me. The The music and those godawful wailing choir singers put the last nail in.

The Nazis were bad guys, but you American sure as fuck have never been good guys.

Calling yourself a clown is the most honest piece of writing I have ever seen from you. Bravo.

If you have a man and woman of the same weight and height, on average the man will outperform the woman. Body composition, muscle tone, twitch reflexes, there’s a long list of advantages that remain. So you’d still end up with male dominated sports.

Every performance analysis I’ve seen shows that elite female athletes can’t even match the times posted by non-elite high school boys, much less middle of the pack professional male athletes.

Honestly, and I say this with all the love in my heart, what the fuck is actually wrong with you as a human being?

Personally I believe alcohol is one of the most damaging blights on humanity as a whole, but it seems in the nature of mammals to want fewer brain cells so that reality hurts less. I don’t understand it, but I can sympathize.

Mr Pope knows more than a little bit about handing out slaps on the wrist.

It doesn’t specify the emotion. My guess is “annoyance”.

Reiki for all the turkeys.

I have never been more angry than when I realized the vet I’d been using (since they were close to where I lived at the time) used homeopathic remedies. Which was never disclosed to me or advertised. So the “pain meds” which don’t come in an OTC bottle, but in a little bag, were just fucking sugar pills. My poor cat,

OK Americans

Sasha is still my #1

But, it’s like, in the cloud dude.

An IQ of 100 is considered normal, with most people being pegged pretty close to that number. The Flynn effect has actually shown us getting smarter over time, so an IQ of 100 today might have been 120 or more a century ago.

This right here is when you finally pissed a person off powerful enough to wipe your whole blog from the internet.