Looks like a really popular video game that I can’t get into.
Looks like a really popular video game that I can’t get into.
...it’s almost as if we live in a nation with precious little respect or protection for regular working people!
I like that “minimalistic” interior. Most high-end RVs have interior designs like a cross between a poor person’s idea of a Vegas high roller’s suite and an upscale whorehouse.
hurting themselves and risking grievous injuries for the enjoyment of a bunch of creeps
I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy.
These Freedom convoy jack-offs are the most pathetic bunch of losers on the planet.
Does NOT Compute! Twenty-two years old, quarter of a million miles, nearly $13,000, poor-to-miserable fuel mileage when we’re routinely seeing $4/gallon (or more) at the pump. The asking price is absurd . . . and yet, it will sell close to asking because the world is crazy right now. No Dice.
This just in: FSB released a series of photos of Russian soldiers being escorted into a pool... and then Ukrainian Nazi forces took the stairs out!
Excuse me. Do you have a license to fight fires, sir?
“Seems like half of formerly “legit” news sources now spend inordinate amounts of time broadcasting a bunch of random dipshits’ twitter hottakes and calling that a news article.”
If you’ve been following republican politics as of late, baselessly calling huge swaths of peope “pedos” appears to be the culmination of the American Dream ~250 years in the making.
Big Homophobia? How about Big Bestiality?
You don’t even know what he’s accused of yet, and already you’re just so angry that anyone would dare to get him in trouble.
Can’t wait!
BUhhhh why do you use “they” to refer to a singular person! I’m so confused! I can’t figure out a single thing in this article! Is it even in English?!
You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.
I would love love love if Disney called this douchebag’s bluff and pulled out of Florida. At least on the level of shipping all their employees down there; I can’t imagine planning to shutter Disney World would ever happen, but deciding to not bring more employees to a state rapidly receding both into the past and the …
I am sometimes guilty of giving people driving etiquette reeducations on the highway. If i get a chance to pin an aggressive driver into a deep right lane backup I will. I love to bait the guys who are weaving in and out of lanes to get stuck behind something slow.
Really amazed at the “both-sides-ism” here.