
I did not know that, & I appreciate your comment clarifying why the flippant tone of the article isn’t horrifying. Thank you.

When Will Arnett and Amy Poehler split up 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that he would have a better reputation than her in 2022.

We’re stopping the rise of fascism in America like we’re stopping climate change.

This site is dildos.

I’m still not completely sold on Shawn Levy directed Deadpool movie. The guy is about as edgy as a beachball. He’s made a lot of bland, by-the-numbers PG family films (Night at the Museum(s), Cheaper by the Dozen, The Pink Panther), got teamed-up with Ryan Reynolds for Free Guy, and all of a sudden he’s directing an

Capitalist society is hellscape enough for us adults, with every little damn facet of daily existence carrying a price. The commenters arguing that kids can (and should) be expected to learn about debt the hard way lack empathy and understanding that kids lack the developmental capacity to “buyer beware.”

That a white man can fire 40 shots in a grocery store and hit 10 people, 8 of whom are black, and the police will in turn not murder him and instead will talk him out of shooting himself.

not everything is a conspiracy

“...he may of collapsed...”    Something’s wrong here.

I know AV Club is little more than US Weekly Lite these days but jesus christ, who cares? What is newsworthy about any of this? Was there any point in writing this beyond not-so-subtly helping Styles promote his album?

Prove to me that spam bots and fake accounts are less than 5% of Twitter users or watch me blow this whole deal up.

LOL trying to show cause to sink the deal to not have to pay the billion. What a fucking chode this guy is. If I never hear anything from or about pedo guy Musky again it will be too soon. 

There is an old episode of “Bullshit!” with Penn and Teller about gun control. It ends with a young boy, who was a big fan of CoD, being taken to a range with his mother and being allowed to fire an AR.

I fire real guns semi-regularly and videogame guns extremely regularly...

There is nothing, NOTHING in a videogame that can prepare you for that level of force and power.

Nothing can prepare you for the first time a round gets jammed, and for half a second you feel like you’re holding a timebomb.

and besides that, I’ve

This is like the 1929 stock market crash but only for the guy from your high school who was really really into Ron Paul.

Bitcoin will never reach zero.

I have a friend who works at Comcast and he claims that for years the company that owned Red Box actively lobbied against getting state and federal funds to expand high speed internet to rural areas because they knew once people could stream shit their last market was dead. Apparently Family Video spend money doing

“Twitter has a left leaning bias” - why is caring about facts, not allowing the spread of lies, and not encouraging violence seen as “left leaning”?