
I Think You Should Stay

More like DaPieceofshit, amirite? 

DaBaby is DaMurderer. 

Somewhere in an office cubicle, a middle aged woman glances over to her hunky fireman calendar and daydreams about acquiring an unlicensed fireman.

This ^. It’s all bluster. Can you imagine the damage Disney could do to the state/DeSantis should he attempt this nonsense? There are three American institutions I never want to fuck with: the FBI, the IRS and the Disney. 

DAMN! This is wonderful news.

Shiiiiiit. My mistake. In my defense, I was in the grays until today myself, but point taken. Also, fuck that guy.

It’s not a zany “take”, it’s the truth. The GOP is an extremist religious cult that is hellbent on pushing their cultural belief system on the masses. Take your religious zealotry and threats of political violence and shove them up your ass.    

OMGGGG I have been making this comparison for years now. Kudos on being on my level! There is fundamentally no difference in the tactics and belief systems of the Taliban and American MAGA movement. One pushes the extremist views of Islam, the other pushes extremist views of Christianity. 

I even fail to proofread like an old person now. 

We’re you’re nearing 40, 25 seems downright youthful. 

This kid is going places. Mainly places that I would never want to go.

I echo all of this. My girlfriend was just watching some netflix movie about a British girl joining the WWE, or some shit, and The Rock popped up as a cameo. His acting and comedic timing was laughably bad. The Peacemaker has been a wonderful showcase for Cena to flaunt his range.

Ye is planning on headlining Couchella instead.

I’m not even sure she was trying to be a pop star/famous. Most of her best work was SoundCloud rap/R&B and that was mostly under the radar, until she started guesting with bigger stars. Her best song (No Police, in my opinion) samples the fuck out of a chill Dream Koala track. So def not like she was going for “Pop

1. Props for the courage to get up there and do that while everyone eats candy loudly and fucks around on their phones. I’d melt into a puddle at the mere thought (introverted as hell)

Dojo is rad. Her music is rad. Her choice to give it up due to the exploitative nature of show business and the fucking entitlement/inherent shittiness of people is rad.

AMC: “No one is going to the theater anymore due to Covid. HOLY FUUUUUU!”

I have been starving for quality movies over the past couple of years, and was excited to see this. It bored the shit out of me. I wish I was speaking literally, because at least there’s entertainment value in crapping oneself. However, I found it tedious and painfully dull. That’s not to say that I didn’t appreciate

We appreciate you and your stand against this fucking shithole of capitalistic greed and shortsightedness.