
Most stories about this incident don’t go into great detail about the specific weapon Baldwin was handling. With a little digging I found that it was a clone of an 1873 Colt Single Action Army chambered for Colt .45 ammunition, made by an Italian arms maker called Pietta.

This shit is just sad as fuck.

If I may be the voice of reason here, Ba Wi Ta Bah Banana Fana Figgy Wiggy You Set The Boogie Set Up Chuck The Boogie.  My Name Is KEEEEEEEEEED!! RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!  Thank you.

Am I out of touch because kids don’t want to see a historical epic based on an obscure French incident set against the backdrop of Charles VI and the Caroline War?


In any event, 100M at just $6/month is more than $7B/year, just for running servers.

Inglorious Basterds works because it doesn’t pull punches or pretend it’s something it’s not, and it’s extremely self-aware. This game is the polar opposite, without any of the self-awareness. It’s crass and dumb, and it gets a lot wrong, even besides its clumsy handling of racism (and weirdly absent antisemitism).

I’ve spent years preparing for a potential Santa shortage by carefully convincing my children that Santa is actually a small fiddler crab wearing a fez. Every year, I bring a “Santa” home from Petco, strap a fez on it, and let it endure their bullshit wish lists while I watch TV and get blackout drunk. The kids love

I mean, I’m as weary of facile political takes in cultural discussion as anyone, but it seems silly to fault the reviewer for engaging with the class issues that this particular film explicitly raises. What, do people think the filmmakers changed the home invaders from a pair of dirty career criminals to a struggling n

First off, the premise (spoiled rich shit steals priceless family heirloom from destitute couple and tortures them for trying to get it back, and we’re supposed to root for him) sounds so godawful I almost have trouble believing it’s real.

Now here’s a man who doesn’t like to pay taxes! Or who simply loves rich people and wishes to protect them from the onerous burden of supporting the infrastructure that helped them get rich in the first place.

Add to that: Go to see bands for regular, one band one venue type shows. The venues know exactly how many people they can safely let in.

Well, if I’ve learned one thing from The Walking Dead, first we frantically amputate the arm, and eventually we’ll have to shoot you in the head when you succumb to the dreaded 5G.

Woah, Laserface, c’mon, calm down there. I don’t hate you or anything, but you’re the guy who buries every comment section of articles about superheroes with screencaps from, often barely related, comic books just to show that you know about them. You’re no one to accuse others of liking to smell their own farts.

The most frustrating thing about America is that you have this shadowy cabal of powerful progressive elite leftists, and they spend so much of their unlimited resources cancelling loudmouth pizza executives that they never get around to practical policy stuff like firing all the cops or burning down the suburbs.

Grab yourself one of these bad boys and drive over 20,000 miles on a single tank

Man kills man helping man trying to steal car from first man.

What the hell is the editing on this?

There you go with reasonable facts and data to refute a story. Take your star. Still, this sure explains how so many people are driving around in $60k trucks.