
Here’s an idea: let’s stop plastering Baldwin’s face and name in every article about this. Jesus christ. And it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. All you’re doing is feeding the ringwing dicknutbags and trolls.

Let’s just get this out of the way now. You’re all wrong and the order that I ranked them is correct.

Wasn’t expecting antivaxxers to delay herd immunity long enough for this to go into production.

You would need a really big bag of rice.

A Huracan with a Gucci paint job (wrap?) and the owners name on top, is just the tackiest shit. 

2. He has college aspirations. What part of that don’t you understand?


It’s cute how they see themselves as heroes rather than gigantic piss babies. That photo on the capitol building is too precious.

That transcript reads like a Trump interview.

Letting a reckless maniac drive your car is reckless. 

I don’t think it’s because not enough men are watching it. I mean, RHONY exists, right? I think it’s because the characters are really poorly written. Could the Megan McCain or the Marjorie Taylor Green character be any one note?

I just think it’s boring :(

Yea I’m right with you. I haven’t seen The Closer, and I don’t like what Chappelle is doing. But I don’t know if it’s actually in the LGTBQ community’s interest to elevate comments like “Team Terf” all the way up to hate speech instead of shitty old rich famous guy bitching.

FWIW I think Gadsby’s special had no jokes and was a glorified TED talk but I have no interest in defending recent-vintage Chappelle

This is the first time I’ve commented on an AV Club article in years. I used to have multiple accounts with thousands of comments, because every time they’d come up with a new comment management system I’d get locked out and have to start over. I’m embarrassed to say that I used to read almost every article on here

Imagine if all of your friends kept telling you about how fun, funny and cool their friend is and what a great time they had with her the other night and they all kept saying that you should come hang out with her sometime and eventually you agree to go hang out with her and she spends the whole time crying and

“What appeals to you aesthetically when you are looking at cars?”

“Oh I don’t know. I think I like the looks of a convertible with the top up. Is there any way to make a regular car look like that? I want people to be like ‘Oh hey. There goes a guy who loves to be in the sun, but just not today.’

I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a car featured on NPOCP more than this one. And I’ve been here for years.

If you really wanna go back to the wild 90s, buy this. Then slap some Firestone Wilderness AT tires on this sucker, do some lines of coke off of a stripper’s ass and drive that thing off into the exploding sunset.

I have to wonder whether the universe is trying to send me a sign: