
Ughh! Just reading this made me excited! Lol That sounds awesome and exactly what I want. Those type of mini stories and gameplay moments are my favorite part of BF games... It’s the only Mp shooter I can think of, where I can kind mess around and ignore shooting for a little bit, and still just do have many great

There are a lot of people criticizing Chapelle’s attempts at humor here. I can’t imagine anyone would argue that an entire group of people should be left alone - and deserve special treatment. All groups can be joked about...or should be.

John Dee is such a tragic figure. I sympathize with him very much and often wonder what life must have been like for him, especially after he fell in with Kelley, who in my opinion ultimately led him astray. He could have been Frances Bacon 30 years before. There are even glimmers in his writing of the scientific

What’s great is you can specifically tell they didn’t watch the special. I’ll sum it up for anyone else who didn’t:
1. You can’t punch down if you don’t believe you’re above them, if you respect them as equals.
2. A trans woman Dave was close with, who opened for him, was bullied so much by her community for saying

Weird! Dad has wraparound shades he never takes off, questionable facial hair to cover his no-chin and a ball cap to cover his bald head!  I totally would have pegged him as making completely different lifestyle choices.

So many echoes of Ethan Couch.

Drivers who slap a bumper sticker onto their cars are more likely to drive aggressively, according to a social psychologist at Colorado State University. ... “The fact that they’ve put something on their car expresses their territoriality and that seems to be the larger mechanism driving aggressive responses,” he

From left to right; dad, passenger, driver. Driver and passenger are wearing matching work shirts. I bet driver works for dad’s business and they were “working” at the time of the accident. I can’t wait to find out who they are. 

Wait... What? No that’s the fruit company you are talking about. This video shows the exact opposite. They are required to warn people about issues that can occur if you decide to meddle with it. They litteraly showed us, step by step, how to replace components. Doesn’t get any better than that in my book.

Totally, idiot teenage boys maiming and killing in defense of fragile toxic masculinity. Guns and big trucks and poor decisions define masculinity for so many.

Didn’t mean to hit them and run them over, definitely meant to harm them physically and emotionally. Also definitely meant to do it with an illegally modified vehicle. Hopefully it’s a stern lesson.

What really angers people is not the lack of political commentary but rather the cynical way in which these games appropriate clearly political imagery and then say “This is not political” as a means of getting as many people paying for it as possible. I mean, let’s look at the most recent examples:

Whenever I see the way people older than me talk online and it looks like the way people younger than me talk online it explodes my brain.

I owned one of these. It’s probably the cheapest way to own a V-Dozen, if that’s your goal.

Is there any way I can let people enjoy things, but also think this sounds like a dumb use of $5000+?

Once in a life time is seeing the Aztec pyramids in person. Watching elephants graze on the plains of Africa. Walking the Great Wall. Watching the Northern Lights. Feeling the winds of the coldest place on earth. Sweating in the Amazon. Not...staying in a heavily branded version of one of those fantasy motel suites. 

The Derek Zoolander A.V. Club Recap of Another Site’s Article For People Who Can’t Read That Much Stuff Too Good

This would be a good place to put the Gino Lombardo podcast I should absolutely listen to but never have.

“I hate it. 0/10" - Fans

 This may not be a popular opinion, but if you’re not an asshole before you buy a mango-colored pickup truck with a spoiler, you might be surprised, post-purchase.