
Ration our outrage? RATION OUR OUTRAGE?!

Dirty Work is underappreciated imho.

Now that I’m starting to see Broncos (the real ones, not just the Sports) on the road occasionally, I’m not quite as taken by them as I thought I would be. I feel like it’s somewhat common for vehicles to look better in person than they do in photographs, but I feel like the Bronco is the opposite. Not that they look

Every way there is to lose money, he did.

I uttered an audible “oh!” at the picture of the utterly empty, wide-open interior. That has a certain level of appeal. It is, however, nowhere near enough.

OK’d by Florida and presided over by PO—S T—-p.

while awaiting judgement for something he did in the field. (This something won’t be revealed until the climax, but if you were paying attention in 2020—or, you know, any time throughout the history of policing—you can probably ballpark its nature.)

it would seem Josh should learn to go with the flow

I always found it disturbing that Americans would buy someTHING that was so blatantly an homage to the Nazi Jeep. It just didn’t seem right then, still bothers me to this day.

Something...something...”Rolls” and “Flying”.....

I’ve been noticing quite a few sub-$20K Rolls Royce listings in the last few years, and I don’t remember that being a thing. I’ve never fancied myself a Rolls Royce guy; they were always the stuffy symbol of unobtainable wealth, and themselves, unobtainable to almost anyone. It’s sad to see them show up in used car

This is less than half the price of a clean title equivalent.

Having been around race car frame construction my whole life, that non braced and stacked square tube frame rails thing that is going on there... It’s gonna be a no from me dawg.

This car is about 6 to 8 inches wider than your average car which makes it very easy to handle around the terns.

Never ending construction

Thank you for not making this a slideshow.

The religoid freaks can’t sue any of the service providers for aborting their snitch website because it happened a mere two weeks after conception.

I’d steer clear, for two reasons, as I work on shit like this all the time.

1. The 5R55 transmission sucks. They blow up at the drop of a hat.

2. These, and their Explorer brethren eat rear wheel bearings like Skittles, and they are a bitch (read expensive) to replace.

The engine is brilliant, and the rest of the car

Obviously this is a NP because it’s clean, has low miles, the market is bonkers, yadda yadda.

So, wait, if I’m understanding this right, Kanye wanted a “clean” album as a tribute to his mother, to the extent that a guest verse from Andre 3000 about the death of his own mom was deemed too dirty, but he put Marilyn Manson on it? Isn’t that like cutting a Will Smith track because he said heck once and replacing