
As if millions of incels cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

Yup, and they can get away with it because North American society absolutely does not respect their sex workers one bit. They want the services they offer, but they absolutely do not want to have to care for them, pay for them, or even recognize that they exist.

First Tumblr, now OnlyFans, I’m sorry for my ignorance, but I don’t get this.

Maybe others have a different opinion, but Activision pushing diversity so hard here really rubs me the wrong way given the controversy surrounding their shitty corporate culture. It just reeks of tokenism.

Such a reminder of how far behind GM was in the 90's. Compare to the same year Accord interior.

nice try but that’s not Robert Redford, that’s my friend’s mom

The burnt popcorn taste is an issue with all conduction vaporizers to some extent (it’s not so bad on the Arizers because the heat is conducting through glass as opposed to metal or ceramic).

The mistake isn’t hard to understand.

Shows an equivalent understanding of plumbing as well .

Hang on is this the same as this guy (just with his first name spelled the original Irish way with two o’s instead of the american way with an e)?

I think the angle of attack from Raph could be a little more nuanced. Objectively, it’s a gorgeous car and a well done restoration.

The problem with it comes down to all the “lore” that is attached to it by the people who are doing the showing and collecting. Regardless of whether or not it can be proven it was a

A lot of commenters on here are going to be like “well what did you expect form these people?” and there’s something there but think about it this way: if not one points out that it’s fucked up to venerate toys built by fascists to congratulate other fascists on how fascist they are, these people will just keep doing

Good luck to him in Brazilian prison. I’m sure his crime and his outlandish hair and beard color will let him slide under the radar for the duration of his hopefully very long sentence.

Hey, ding dongs. Gambling can be actively harmful to a person. A lady playing a Wii game in a bikini is not. Relax.

If it is from Ryan Murphy, that’s basically setting up for creative failure. Beyond that, I feel like I have heard any seen anything I have ever needed to hear or see about this subject. I lived through all the disgusting media coverage at the time, and while I appreciate the idea of Lewinsky getting to tell her

When I first heard about the project, I was immediately disgusted because I was afraid it would provide more noise and fodder for false equivalence, as if lying about a blow job is somehow equal to or worse than deliberately neglecting a pandemic because you think it will kill more people “on the otherside” and then

If it’s got any of season one’s nuance, this could be a much-needed definitive retelling of the story. Lewinski deserves it, if nobody else.

Recently moved from a home where there was a patch of forest directly behind my house that was home to several owls. Most evening I would drift off to sleep to the sounds of nature, including the occasional hoots and whispers — and even screams — of owls. I genuinely loved it and now that I’ve moved I miss it.

Saab Night Panel. Pressing a button turns off all cabin lighting except the speedometer between 0 and 100 MPH. As someone who hates bright screens and gauges at night, I wish this was standard

But it will always feel like a photocopied sticker album if you don’t have the real games with boxes.