
Nah. And I’m sure there are more instances like that behind the “straw that broke the camel’s back.

The Swedish Sebring is here to start your week. Is it boring? Heck yeah. It’s is really boring? I can’t hear you. Heck yeah. A little louder. (Mild coughing noises, as things don’t seem to be getting any louder.) This is a fun car, huh? Are you feeling the excitement? (More coughing.)

What’s more limited that we’re finding out? That it doesn’t have a secret power boost it never claimed to have? That in the very first interview they clarify the battery life pretty clearly: 2-8 hours, depending. 4 hours on Portal 2, 5-6 with a 30fps cap? You can only play Breath of the Wild for like 3 hours on a

I would watch the hell out of a sitcom about a small-ish company (maybe a pottery shop or a camping/army surplus store) that has sagging sales year after year, but decides to shake things up by hiring a robot CEO. Hijinks insue.


Can we keep the narrative that the Olympics are a giant waste of time and money for the world.  

I like when South Park satirizes the beliefs of others.

If our parents deserved all the praise you’re heaping on them with that statement, we wouldn’t be in this mess. In the past, adults fucked this place up badly enough to get us to where we are despite whatever counterculture may have been trying to stop it. Now that the planet’s on fire as every last cent is wrung out b

You want the Star Wars experience? For fifty bucks, I’ll take you to a shitty bar where a fucked-up looking blowhard and his belligerent, incomprehensible friend push you around because of your Dorothy Hamill haircut.

Well Lil Nicky’s ideas seem to be that they should be pushed into the ocean, or perhaps a mass grave. Personally, I don’t think that’s the humane or logical solution.

Dude, the solution to your rage is therapy, lots of it, not spreading lies about the homeless.

This was an investor call with the handful of big institutions that control a large amount of shares and can singe handily make a material impact on the stock price. Including those firms that manage all those retirement accounts. Obviously no one is talking about us rank and file retail investors with no real power.


You seem stable

So, your take is that:

You nailed ‘em.  If only they didn’t have a $10 French press, they’d be able to afford the tens of thousands of dollars per year it costs to pay for housing.  Oh, and can’t think of any reason, besides being a “hipster” why a person without a home might have a French press instead of, like, a fucking Keurig.

I’ve been keeping my eye on this, and it’s pretty cool. But it took forever to finally come out, and I needed something last year, because the stay-at-home-watching-dishes-piling-up-quarantine-thing I was doing wasn’t cutting it. I found a model that pretty much does exactly what this does, but without the fancy water

“Bro, we are ‘disrupting’ 911"..

Putting this question (“what’s your desired salary?”) on your application is not just a big red flag, it’s skirting the law in several states.

I’m ND on this one. It’s not so much the price, E36s have been trending upwards, but the lack of info about the replacement engine. I’m generally suspicious when someone sells a car they just sank big money into for modifications or an engine swap. Why are you getting rid of it after you just spent a bunch of money to