
This is why I need the Steam Deck. I can’t imagine wanting to play this sitting at my computer desk, but this would be a great Deck game to fiddle with. 

Struggle no more, because I’m here to tell you that this appeals to a decent segment of the target market (ie. late 30's, a little bit of money, have kids and have given up PC gaming due to time and family constraints). The Switch was appealing to me, initially, because I liked the portability and the fact that it was

The 13 year old me who watched Showgirls numerous times, often through scrambled Showtime satellite signals, is extremely excited by this news. The late 30's me is both unfazed by crucifix insertions and now has the internet. So the motivation just isn’t what it used to be to watch his non-puritan movies. Hard pass.  

Impressive and shit, but my 6 year old is preternaturally good at video games and emotional manipulation. No doubt they’ll both accomplish wonderous things/enslave mankind.

This was sometime between me berating her over her underappreciation of Harry “Sweets” Edison and me finishing my room temp gazpacho.

No time for love, Dr. Jones. However, I’ll give you this tidbit from the show I attended at the Bottom Lounge in Chicago in the early oughts. “DOOM” came on stage and looked a tad leaner than he appeared but the tracks played and the audience went wild. Then the track dub glitched and dude got busted lip synching. No

“KMD-MF DOOM WAY” is whack. This comes from a very white dude, in his late 30's, who has been obsessed with Dumile’s career and was bamboozled by DOOM imposters at live shows, thrice. So I definitely don’t have a say in this, but “DOOM DRIVE” just has a better ring to it.

All true things:

I’ve tried explaining the nuance/brilliance of this show to my girlfriend, but she’s pretty convinced that his petulant and aggrieved characters are somehow the true nature of Tim Robinson, and therefore refuses to watch ITYSL with me/at all.

Social media is cancer.

I was going to make a snarky comment about how I genuinely would be interested in this EV but that the company will shudder prior to them hitting market, but damnit, I’m pulling for them. This EV is sexy enough to pull me away my A6/combustion engines.

Imagine being a cop and seeing respect for your profession plummet to absolute zero. The cop will spend a year behind a desk, the family will get a million dollar settlement from the county/state and literally nothing will change. America, neat. 

I can thank this show for giving my family a new Thanksgiving day tradition of Turkey on the Floor, where we cover random (suspect) family members with turkey skin. They then waddle around on the floor and make turkey calls.

We can only hope it lives up to tricking strange people into hiking a mountain to solve riddles or “accidental” images of dongs in reflective surfaces. 

I have greatly appreciated your work and wish you the best of luck in your current and future endeavors.

Pigs just like hurting people and this doesn’t do enough of that. Too “less than lethal” for their liking, surely. 

Where was this technology when I was trying to impress people in college with my extremely pretentious and obscure musical tastes?

Now playing

I see your 9 minutes and raise you 9 more. 

I’m one step removed from being an Antifa low ranking recruit, but I respect him for speaking out about Trump and seemingly owning his transgression. Now, I’m sure it is just his new way to grift off appearances on MSNBC, but still... We should welcome anyone willing to stand against this dumb authoritarian coup.