
I look forward to never watching this. Even though I really want to because I like everyone involved(professionally)(I’m looking at you Fred), but I need another streaming service like a need a second Trump term. 

Now playing

Vic’z Vidz (call me about licensing!) have been a soothing balm during this past year.

Sounds like you and I both checked out of Dexter over doughnut scenes. At one point, the annoying Masuka(sp?)(who cares?) is eating doughnuts and Dexter sees jelly ooze out and it flashes back to his blood collection or some nonsense. The writing, casting, acting, set design, pace and overall vibe of the show was

I just emailed my HR rep to request a cancellation of the leave I took to get ripped out of my mind and play this. What would I do with that time instead? Like, get ripped out of my mind and play any one of the other big games being released around that time? I’m still going to buy the dang game, but now I’ll wait 6

In the context of 2020, the first Borat may seem heavy-handed and offensive for the sake of shock, but it was the first real exposure to the dark underbelly of America that most Americans were able to see en masse. The shock value wasn’t so much supposed to be seeing naked dudes wrestling, but seeing the ugliness

Implying that Jimmy Kimmel acts a bigger fool than Trump?

What Nilus said. A simple bing search (lol) pointed me to numerous tutroials to easily sideload HBOmax onto my firesticks.

My dude, I was going to take you to task for not having reading comprehension but it seems others have beat me to it. 

As much as I would rather catch up on shows I’m falling behind on (or really anything but staring into the vapid maw of our clown president), I will be tuned into this debate and absorbing the whole toxic mess. Not because I think my mind will be changed, but because that bastard has made me HAVE to pay attention to

I believe it is you that needs to cite sources for your thread’s original claim, that mail-in ballots are somehow more prone to wide-spread error or fraud. We’ll wait...

Do I need to finally establish a Twitter account to see how this story plays out? I’m enthralled. 

While I think this is a funny and creative way to troll this turd, I can’t imagine that it really stuck it to him. Like, this dude had bigger fish to fry than anxiously awaiting pop culture upon his release. He was probably too busy writing his book/watching his back/figuring out how to not be a social pariah for the

I once was a guard at a prison. We had three drone drops while I was there. One was a brick of weed. One was a bundle of cellphones. One was a bunch of porno mags. I watched as my boss blasted the one carrying nudie mags out of the sky with a shotgun. Broken DJI plastic shards and genitalia clippings were scattered to

Alfa Rome-no

If I were 25 again, I’d buy the hell out of this. For now, I’ll just nod my head approvingly. 

Necessity is the mother of invention. Also, pollution.  

I clean crime scenes for a living and have seen cops disparaging the dead, taking photos, messing with victim’s property, etc. This. Shit. Happens.

Finally! We have those extremely wealthy rabble-rousers, Matt & Trey, to weigh in on our current National Nightmare with their cynicism and Libertarian “everyone is bad equally” hot take. Neat. 

Who is this car’s target demographic? I guess me? I drive an A6 3.0 and owned a 5-series prior, so that would put me squarely in their market. However, I just don’t see the same attention to detail, quality or style that its competitors have. It appears to have some nice mechanical engineering and a competitive price