
http://Sparkfun.com sells a WiFly shield which is about the same price. And, it's red, so that's a bonus. Finally, it has a place for a prototyping area, like a Proto Shield does. You might even be able to fit a breadboard there. The disadvantage is it might not come with pins/stackable headers but you can get those

Listen to Rick Astley 'Never Gonna Give You Up' on repeat for an hour.

Well, having Call Me Maybe running through your head isn't NEARLY as bad as having the chorus of Kanye West's 'Hell Of A Life" for FOUR WEEKS!!!!!!! I got it out thankfully. Just listened to 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley on repeat for about an hour.

Seems that they beat Apple to integrating mobile and desktop. I hope this means that skins like HP's touch dashboard thingy are removed and just let Windows 8 do the talking.

Now can you say which call center it was? Or does that violate some agreement that you made with them?

"Watch Out: 'We Know Your House' Uses Twitter to Find Out Where You Live and Then Posts It Online, Also Sex"

He was making a joke. Lighten up.

Just wondering, does the download-when-free-delete-download-when-paid-but-for-free thing work on Android?

Hmmm. I'm not sure, then. Try google.

OK, I admit I forgot about the tablets. But I still think Android surpasses iOS, even including tablets. And some new phones, like the GSIII are catching up to an iPhone. And the Nexus 7 is almost definitely going to surpass the iPad. Edit: In sales.

One of said settings is Google Search History. I'm not sure what else guma is talking about.

THIS. Giz, if you read the comments, please do this. That will make me very happy.

I laughed so hard when I read that your phone sneezes whenever you get a text.

Well, you could say "Android is outselling iOS 4 to 1." Just sayin.

I just use Spotify Free for all my music needs.

Hmmmm. I'm waiting to see if Sprint gets LTE in the Los Angeles area before I'm going to upgrade. The Evo is (I think) the best phone out of your (and my) options, but I need faster-than-3G speeds and I want to see how LTE is.

I would go for the Evo, if there's 4G LTE in your area. Otherwise, go with the GNex.

I'm not sure about this, so correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to actively maintain (like sue infringers) a patent in order to keep it? Or is that just for copyright?

Love how the dude has orange Crocs (or rip off of such)

I used to have a lunchbox with a shoulder strap. You could probably find one.