
LOL @ Whitson's reply to my post: "I would totally steal a Buzz Lightyear lunchbox. Even if I didn't know there was a camera in it. Buzz Lightyear is just awesome. The Nikon D90 inside would just be a bonus. I'd probably sell it and keep the lunchbox."

I read: "Yeah, any posts about Google now tend to have confusing titles..." LOL

SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME. Now I hate him even more.

Yup, I see that.

I was just thinking the same thing.

Note: This applies to 4G LTE only, so iPhone users are out of luck. Also, it only says they can't block tethering apps from Play anymore.

4G only.

4G only. Sorry.

Sadly, no. Only applies to 4G LTE. iPhones are stuck on 3G, and if you are grandfathered in on unlimited data it doesn't apply.

That's tethering.

If you read the article, it says that it doesn't apply to users who have a grandfathered unlimited data plan.

That's the problem with Gawker. Sites get Gawker'd.

Man, people were trolling me on IRC today. They were saying that it was all a hoax and blah blah and it took me a while to realize they were messing with me. Grrrrr.

This truly deserves to be approved. (My approve button is broken so I have to reply).

Wow, nothing about Dvorak. I started trying to use Dvorak and it's made an improvement already. I not only type faster, but my fingers work less.

Replying to approve. The approve button is STILL broken for me!

I just thought of those anti-pirating ads. YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A CAR! lolol

I am laughing so much right now.

Couldn't agree more. But I bought one of these a while ago: [www.costcaptain.com] and it didn't work that well. I hope Microsoft's performs much better.

Not to be a fanboy, but Apple would post 3 pages of specs on it's can opener.