they should revive junkyard wars for an actually interesting reality show.
they should revive junkyard wars for an actually interesting reality show.
Shoot, I want to see “Connections” again. First time I saw Discovery was that show. It was awesome. This crazy Brit would start talking about some weird problem of 1300, which lead to an invention, which lead to another problem, which lead to another problem, etc. etc. etc. And after an hour of watching costumed…
Just some drunk Canucks
Unless you are out hunting a wooly mammoth with a hand-pointed pointy stick I don’t want to hear about your fucking diet. And the story better include “tragically, Lars was stomped flat.”
“Thor Regnarok”
So people here might be wondering how this was actually done.
It also really feels like they are saying one thing, but showing us another.
“I am extremely sorry for the way you feel, ”
I’m not happy about this news. I’m fucking ecstatic (even though I’m Scottish...) and it has been far too long coming. I’m not going to be patronising and say something twee like “gee, welcome to the 21st Century, Ireland!” or some ignorant shit like that. But what I’m going to say is this.
I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.
Whenever asked this question, I just use what my mother unit told me,
private bool IsARobot(string question)
It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”
*has a sign on bus saying “murderers, rapists, child molesters (molesters being misspelled, of course) and kidnappers on board”*
Credit for the attempt but no, it is not an asset in a “liabilities and assets” sense. Also, cities, great and amazing cities existed long before MLB (or NFL, NHL, NBA) existed. Is it a distraction and something to do? Sure. The jobs and your “Econ 101" comment? Throw “Substitution Effect” in your Googler and get your…
And interestingly, anyone who knows anything about dogs knows to be more wary around collies than Great Danes.
Or maybe he taped a real bad take to his name and walked into the wrong part of the internet?
Too fucking soon. Boooooooo
When the party has abandoned all pretext of balancing the budget or paying down the national debt (which they only care about when the dems hold the White House) there is no fiscal conservatism left in the upper reaches of that party. “Give all the money to the rich” is some kind of economic ideology, but it’s not…
Just an observation. Giorgio Tsoukalos- you know, the Ancient Alien guy? He thinks the right wing conspiracies are nuts.