Clearly, most of the people replying to your comment are young enough for a dream date with Roy Moore.
Clearly, most of the people replying to your comment are young enough for a dream date with Roy Moore.
To be fair, my Keurig did just give me a “PC Load letter” message this morning.
Your assertion that someone in their early 20s is fully developed emotionally and neurologically has a fair amount of scientific evidence against it. People’s identities and sense of self are often malleable well into their 20s, and neural connections are still forming at a faster-than-normal rate.
I make things with my credit card. It is basically magic.
Every time I watch TWD, I’m waiting for Ezekiel to play ‘The Night Begins to Shine’ to pump up his subjects.
Why not make this suspension permanent, and, in fact, universal to all sororities and fraternities? Between hazing deaths, extreme and fatal inebriation; sexual violence; racial discrimination; and widespread misogyny, these houses have proved their recklessness and irresponsibility, manifold.
I can’t tell you how many gorgeous old homes I’ve seen where the outside is perfectly maintained but the inside has been gutted to the point where it’s not even recognizable as an old home anymore. I don’t get it.
lol I’m pretty sure my childhood can be characterized by “GO OUTSIDE!” “GO SEE WHAT YOUR SISTER IS DOING!” “GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!”
They literally don’t listen, and it becomes a Canadian standoff of who can apologize the most while doing exactly what you told them not to.
When is it an allowable age to accept one’s sexual or non-sexual preference as a parent?
I have two thoughts about that combination of assertions.
Where are the fathers?
Rand and his ilk are actively trying to prevent people like me from getting medical treatment. I’ve lost around 1/3 of my lungs to a fungal infection this year for the deplorable crime of “going outside when it’s a little windy”. Which I only did because I FINALLY found paying work btw.
You are not a bad person for failing to muster any sympathy for this dipshit. You tried, you’re not a psychopath.
I know that I should feel bad about this, but I’m having trouble mustering it up. I’m a terrible person.
To white america I would recommend a glass of “suck it the fuck up” with a chaser of “get the fuck over yourselves, already.”
How about the Smithsonian Ingenuity Awards 2017 including