
If they rewrite the balance of the final season so Claire has Francis killed and assumes power - THAT WOULD ACTUALLY COMPORT WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL! Let Robin Wright carry the season (she’s been the real standout anyway, but this is the way the original story goes)

They’re disgusting vermin who hide in the shadows and defile their landscape. Their breeding habits are particularly revolting. For every item they devour, they ruin ten more.

As someone who is, in addition to being the target of the hatred from racists, ALSO a Naval Academy graduate who completed the Marine Corps Sniper School at Quantico AND the only officer in my CBG to serve as a ship’s sniper (usually a job for the enlisted, but I was by far the best shot), I’d like to tell you that

May I suggest “Fly By Night” by Rush?

Yeah, but The Core is so bad (and ridiculous) that it comes back around to being enjoyable, whereas Geostorm just looks bad. And it’s name always makes me think of GM’s shitty cars from the early 90's.

In before the “Why don’t they just raise the bridge a few feet, or dig the road a little deeper?” comments. Oh wow, thanks, your casual shower musings have come to a conclusion that no one with a degree in this field, that does this for a living, has thought of! Gee, you should apply to be CEO of Earth!

They really only named him Half Thor though.

To remove all cade from something. Antonyms include cade or recade. Historically work done by caders, somewhat well known when they unionized in the late US industrialization era though cadence has since fallen out of favor in the digital era.

This is probably as close as we’ll get to the gritty Murder, She Wrote reboot that we’ve ALL been waiting for.

All just a 3rd-rate burglary, huh?

Every single time until he commits suicide in his bunker.

This is what happens when parents understand nominative determinism. Name your kid after Thor, you get a wall of muscle. Thanks, mom and dad.

This isn’t quite a punnet square, but this is what a punnet square should try to be.

“It’s a shame all that delicious livestock disappeared but lets not turn this into an Ogre-Hunt,” said Gruzford, King of the Ogres, as he picked his teeth with a pig rib.

Sasquatch-Viking knows that Code Duello prohibits collateral damage to bystanders.

Trailer does not test positive for 20-foot tall Sienkewiczian demon bear, but hopefully they’re keeping that in reserve for the film.

Actually, Tarantino’s parties are all just stolen bits (or “homages”) from low-budget parties from the 60s and 70s that he liked.

It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.

No minigame where you get drunk in a sauna? No naked ice fishing challenge? No glorious digital recreation of swamp wrestling?