
You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

You know that that (mis)quote had nothing to do with whether she had read the bill, right? She was saying that once the bill was passed the American people could find out what it did instead of relying on what she felt were inaccurate reports about what it did.

Why do you misquote her?

Having been around enough customers in service shops, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to then give those people meth.

I can trot out laws too.

Mayor of Mos Eisley: “Duuuude. Don’t bring us into this.”

Ummm. Anti Choice people bring up Kermit Gosnell alllllll the time. He’s a terrible person and Pennsylvania fucked up majorly - they hadn’t inspected his clinic since 1993. That was governmental incompetence/underfunding though, not some devious plot by pro choice folks.

Ok – this is going to be a long response – so bear with me. With the help of some links to other resources, I’m going to attempt to explain the origins of whiteness, the difference between whiteness and white people/people of European descent, and why “whiteness” is not something that should be

Whiteness and white people are two different things. There is no redeeming value in whiteness, which was created to separate one group of people from everyone else, assert that manufactured group’s superiority, and oppress others, often on a sliding scale of. White people benefit from this system whether they mean to

You just made my vagina slam shut.

It’s nice to see a man with more marriages than non-bankrupt businesses shine his countenance upon this institution which Christians have worked so hard to protect from being diluted in meaning by the gays.

. . . there’s a salt room where a halogenerator pumps 99 percent sodium chloride in the air in a fine mist. . .

“The wellness thing is big,” he told the Times. “We’re calling it ‘the new luxury.’

I think TJ Miller thinks TJ Miller is above having regrets so I’m not sure about that.

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.

How are women staying in these states - having little to no rights!?

1. You’re assuming that “we all” exclusively live in California, Oregon, Washington, the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, and a few other states. It’s not true. Some of us are bitching about the way things are where we live.

The wypipo are out in full force today.

I haven’t named any of my swords but I have a computer named after a sword. Does that count?

Allow me to illustrate: