My stuff is genuinely distressed.
My stuff is genuinely distressed.
Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”
Also known as That Hinterlands Look, seen on outstate relatives’ faces when you use a four-syllable word or suggest that the giant corporate megaprocessing plant down the road might be the reason they can’t drink their tap water any more.
Wait, wait, wait...when you sit in the exit row they say you have to be willing to help other people out of the plane. Does anyone believe that Ann would really help another human being?
Hwite Gentrification TeleVision?
Read The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi! It’s an interesting read, a future where energy is stored in springs wound by engineered Mastodons.
There’s probably cobalt in asteroids. Find an appropriate metallic Apollo asteroid and send a team there.
I love this twitter exchange for so many reasons.
oh my gosh I had forgotten about this book!
As much as I love John le Carre, he struggles (at least in my opinion) to write actual real women. He often includes romantic subplots that stretch the bounds of credulity. The Night Manager is a prime example.
I realize I’m like, the only person in the world who seems to care about this, but can we talk about how “Girl” is still used ubiquitously to refer to grown women?
If they’re describing women as 5'10" 120#, that’s a dead giveaway right there.
It’s actually not that terrible of an example; as much as I wish it were an outlier, that kind of thing happens all across the US, every day, in public school systems.
Therein lies the root problem of your posit. I never said that young people were stupid, nor did I intend to infer such; I said they lack the…
i am of the devout belief that Christianity’s rape scandals were only covered so much (still not enough) because it was boys being abused too. girls being molested by priests?! oh well! boys will be boys! traditional values!
We need walls! That’s how you know where to put your furniture! And if you take down all of the walls, where do you put your coat closet? No one ever thinks of the coats.
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
That’s the beauty of German, you can make up new compound nouns! Deprimiertglücksgefühl would be depressed elation.
what a bunch of dirks.