
She’s pissing you off for not wanting a second unnecessary surgery to avoid a life-threatening pregnancy? She’s pissing you off for expecting a hospital to deliver appropriate health care to their patients? She’s pissing you off for not wanting to go to another (perhaps non-existant) non-Catholic hospital somewhere

They also don’t turn the final stage into a man-vs-man competition to win the prize money. Fuck NBC, not even a consolation prize? It’s despicable, way to screw a man who’s done something incredible for the first time in America, and barely acknowledge him in your social media posts.

300 is the most entertaining, enjoyable piece of really reprehensible propaganda I’ve ever seen.

You had me at ‘next Planet of the Apes’ movie.

My wife and I are atheists. My family is Jewish. Hers are Pentecostal Christians. Our daughter was born in a Catholic hospital because it was the only hospital our insurance would allow.

I am Catholic, but I have repeatedly told my husband that if he ever needs to take me to the hospital when I am pregnant, that he is under strict orders to take me to a non-Catholic hospital. He’s also to choose my life over the fetus’s, if it comes to that.

Swedish has only been a Catholic hospital for a few years (2012 maybe??). They were bought by Providence after their attempt at massive expansion failed miserably (Hi empty hospital in Issaquah). Still sucks though because there are very few other places in this town to deliver a baby.

Oh look! A water-cooled Type 2!

Not surprising, given that you're the source of all those photos of wenches on cars in the COTD threads.... ;)

You are just drinking the wrong scotch.

Ah yeah, 100%!

... Ferraris on fire off the corkscrew at Laguna Seca ... 911’s glittering in the dark down Mulsanne ...

She’s weird, but honestly the most amazing part of this video IMO is the stupidity of the driver of the camera car.

“Hey look at that, a person who can’t keep their car in their lane! They keep slowing down and speeding up, driving very erratically, weird. I wonder what I should do? Oh I know! I won’t back off and give

Clancy Brown is a god amoung men.

I could watch this all day

Optional “Surprise Motherfucker” Package

Have you considered ‘life-sidekick’ as an official replacement?


According to this article in The Atlantic, what really killed cursive is not the keyboard, but the ballpoint pen (keyboard just shoveled the grave pit). With a fountain pen, cursive comes naturally. With a ballpoint, it does not: