
Thankfully, though my father was your stereotypical married in the 1950’s redneck in many ways, he involved his daughters in his hobbies. (Maybe because there were four of us, and he was outnumbered.) We helped him with the family cars, we went shooting with him and helped reload when we were done, and he made sure I

When my spawn was that age that noise would go straight past any thinking part of my brain straight to the “WOLVES ARE EATING MY BABY!” lobe. Therefore, I discouraged that behavior. :D

Concur. I’m usually the maniac that replays a BioWare game at least 4* times, but since I was playing DA:I on the 360** (25 save slots max! plastic hair!) I’m waiting for the all-inclusive PC edition... on sale.

I’ve been using an adjustable height desk (a Varidesk which sits on top of my existing cubicle surface) since January. Currently I stand for about half my day, in increments of approximately two hours. Since my neck and back are jacked up, it essentially serves to move the pain around — when it gets too bad in one

I hang out in costuming (NOT COSPLAY!!11!!!) circles; that’s where I heard of it.

I’ve heard dieselpunk used for the post-WWI - 1950’s era:

Starred for “wanton aplomb”.

Starred for “867-5309”

I once worked with somebody who freely admitted that he’d be committing atrocities if he wasn’t a fundamentalist christian. I was not surprised when he was walked off property one morning for having told a superior that they were lucky he didn’t have his gun in his car that day...

Starred for “conservation of stupidity”.

For me the dread kicked in when I first saw the “fairy lights” (on an Audi?) on Top Gear years ago. Didn’t like them then, and now they’re spreading like a fungus.

I’m just dreading what I’ll be looking at in the used car market 5-10 years from now.

Just this morning I saw a Gran Prix on the freeway with the passenger rear doing just that, plus it had the temporary tire on the driver side rear... my spouse passed it with as much alacrity as he could muster in traffic. Scary.

Doesn’t matter how much capacity the trunk has if you can’t get anything into it.

It’s a vehicle, not a Christmas tree.

She’s received a bit of a boost from Broadchurch.

Pbbt, I was four years out of college when this came out (shakes cane).

Condolences. I got my deQuervain’s the old-fashioned way... coding 60 hours a week. Yours sounds more fun.

Late comment: I finished ME3 the first week it was out, and found the vanilla ending quite unsatisfying. (Didn't stop me from replaying with my multiple Shepards, but I did tend to just turn off the console when I got to the beam.) The Extended Cut DLC was a vast improvement.

Tuition for my kid's *state* university is approximately $10k / year. That's before books, lab fees, housing, and food. She's worked throughout college. Even with that, I've made sure she doesn't have to take out any student loans — that'd be like kicking her out of the nest with a ball-and-chain latched around her