
Way back in the mezozoic (so, high school) a friend liked to chase seagulls with his car, if he encountered them in a nice empty parking lot. The gulls would always get away, he'd get the hoon out of his system, no problems. Then one day he tried it with crows... yeah, they don't have the same acceleration off the

That's been my experience with the Fitbit One as well.

Huh, I like wagons, and I'm pretty sure I'm a woman... ;)

Turnabout's fair play... they started it with the sleep deprivation.

star for using the correct spelling of "discretely"

There are cheesemobiles in Oregon.

Yup, when my spouse and I winter commuted in a '73 transporter, we dressed in all our layers and peered out of 2 inches of defrosted windshield. (Well, the driver did the peering; I mostly held on to the suicide handle with my eyes closed and tried to think happy thoughts.)

If the two of you had a strong and loving relationship otherwise, then you might be able to arrange an open relationship, allowing you to get your needs met elsewhere without threatening the emotional integrity of your relationship.

I dunno, if they've got their hands full making sure the plane doesn't, y'know, *fall out of the sky*, I'm okay with the pilot & co-pilot not being on the intercom.

I thought it was "dodging cones"?

Co-signed. As a smart-phone conscientious objector, that means I could avoid all that faff in my vehicle as well. (Well, in 10-15 years, which is my project date for buying a car built in this decade. The joy of being a cheapskate with a mechanic for a spouse.)

Does is have an oscillation overthruster?

<grabby hands>

For extra lolz, buckwheat doesn't have gluten either...