
I agree with a lot of what you said. However I did not say “Japanese rich people like understatement.” I’ll quote: “I will say that I find it interesting that JAPANESE BUSINESS CULTURE mostly shuns opulent displays of wealth.” There is a huge difference between all Japanese rich people and Japanese business culture.

While I share you great dislike of Malone remember it could be much worse. A nazi troll with zero love for the sport could be at the helm.

I have traveled extensively all throughout Asia: Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and I even made it to Vietnam. I speak from my accrued knowledge over two decades. I am not, repeat not painting with a “broad brush”. My comment is the same as saying that black people like flashy things. Spoiler Alert: WE DO!

Oh no, I guarantee there will be an “illuminated grill option”. The asian markets will LOVE it. That’s who this giant grill is for anyway. Asian high-end consumers desire their flashy, high-dollar merchandise to stand out amongst the sea of commoners.

I am actually okay with this. They’ve eliminated the two biggest issues I had with F1 starting the season. The fan conundrum and protecting the race teams. No fans and they’re limiting the travel to continental Europe. It's basically Euro Nascar with right turns. (Yes I'm kidding) I’m looking forward to some hot

Because then they would only make $14.7 billion dollars. Can't have that! No, I completely agree with you. The camette would be awesome.

Reverse: Oh, the tippy Suzuki Samurai...

I like you. I responded to your initial rant because I hoped you’d amuse me. You did not disappoint. Thank you for my morning chuckle. Please have a great day Mr. or Ms. Anything. 😎

I can’t speak for the author but I think his point is simply that Clint advocating for fans in the stands is irresponsible. While I would love to believe that folks would socially distance we all know the truth. People are dumb. As soon as you let say 25k fans into the stands they will not keep 6' between themselves.

And if you couldn’t decide...

I probably shouldn’t respond to this but I’m bored. Toyota/Lexus and Honda/Acura have a nasty habit of showing almost completely production-ready concepts. When they haul out a new concept it’s pretty much what you’re going to see in showrooms soon. Check out the following three concepts/production cars. (The concept

President Donald Trump is like an abusive, drunken stepdad. Once you’ve seen him with his head in the toilet bowl and his pants around his ankles and he’s still managing to smoke a Marlboro red you lose ALL respect for him. This President has managed to alienate all of our global allies, lock up CHILDREN in cages

It was a custom built Tacoma as a tribute to Marty McFly’s awesome pickup. I really wanted that original one as a kid. You can actually order a lot of the parts for the concept from TRD.

Did you just call this asshole an “authority figure”?

You got it. Both were attempts by enormous, stodgy and unimaginative automakers to grow a youth brand from scratch. Both started out great by offering cars that buyers wanted without the hassle of dealing with dealer games. They both hired young, enthusiastic sales forces that actually cared about the customer. They

Love savagegeese and straight pipes but Doug has a different flavor. His persona for the reviews is intentionally annoying as hell. If you get a chance watch one of his More Doug Demuro non-review videos. When he discusses the industry he is seriously knowledgable and amusing. Its a little less quirky. But he really

I could not agree with you more. But you are wrong about Clint Bowyer. He is an epidemiologist. It says so right on his wiki page.

While we’re at it let’s talk about the Toyota Camette concept from 2012. I assume the designers were out late and had just a little too much sake. Hey guys let’s build an electric car with interchangeable body panels so you can make it whatever you want for the day. It’ll have 1+2 seating and the driver’s seat can be

Why did you do this to me? I love concept cars, especially quirky Japanese ones. I like the U² concept but there is more interesting Toyota craziness out there. Here are a few of my favorites starting with the bonkers i-Road concept.