
It never really worked as an entry point for lifelong Toyota ownership. Most Scion buyers liked their cars well enough but they loved the no-haggle, build your own sales model. Toyota N.A. nailed the sales experience but totally failed on product development. Once Scion dropped the individual sales model things really

Sending them BTS right now... Click.

Any idea of a production date? I surely can’t afford it but I really want this project to make it off the drawing board. The Gordon Murray-designed F1 damn near invented the concept of the modern hypercar.

That hurts. (kidding of course) I was an early booster of the brand within Toyota N.A. It did well at first.

Hey Toyota could have done much worse...

Awesome rig. Loving the snowmobiles out back. Now THAT is a toy hauler.

A Quigley is definitely in my dream garage.

Come on, we all know about the SRT-10. Not only are we reading Jalopnik, Daddy Doug told us about all it’s quirks and features.

Absolutely nothing at all.

TIL what the Eskimo word for walrus penile bone is. Thanks TheBlightOfGrey!

While I’m pleased that Facebook’s rank and file are voicing their concerns I am 100% sure that Zuckerberg could care less. Mark Zuckerberg exists in such rarefied air that he honestly does not understand the issues involved. He believes that it is a ‘slippery slope’ if FB tries to regulate speech on the platform.

Meh. I'd rather take a E350 V10 so I can bring ALL my friends along. No stick though.

Is it available with whale penis covered upholstery? If not then I'm not remotely interested...

Great photos. The LM is utterly ridiculous but a life goal is a chauffeur-driven customized Sprinter or SUV. The LM isn’t as roomy or luxurious as a Becker Escalade but it’s also not $300k.

Too cute. I maintain that my jack was smarter than me. She tolerated my stupidity because I was the source of food and treats.

I’m still angry with Lexus for not producing the ‘real’ IS Coupe. They even teased us with one.

I believe that all government surveillance requests to social media companies should be made public as soon as possible. Once the underlying cases are resolved the public should be able to examine their necessity and efficacy. I firmly believe that the domestic intelligence community is still harvesting American

I know my old pup would have definitely tried to rescue me but she would have barked at me disapprovingly for getting my damn ass stuck in a box.

I’m pretty sure this concept was rolled into the Ford Taurus X which is pretty blah.

Certainly looks like a rebodied CL. I'm sure they benchmarked Mercedes-Benz in design. Would have been an interesting turn for Lincoln.