
I am without a doubt more excited about the Bronco than any other new model. I cannot wait.

Wait a minute. You have actual physical access to David and you haven’t staged an intervention yet? He’s clearly suffering from some addiction to rust and Jeeps.

You are 100% right with Lyfy and Uber being better than taxis. I am totally unsurprised that Lyft is looking for more revenue. I am terrified of targeted ads aimed at pedestrians and motorists. Advertising that makes an impact is getting harder to find. We pretty much ignore TV, streaming and web ads. The new frontier

I’m usually a “Live & Let Live” kinda bloke but I think a 2000GT should remain stock. A car that rare and beautiful is perfection. I’d like a word with whoever did this...

I’ve always had an irrational attraction to the hardtop coupe. Why can’t we get simple designs like these anymore?

3rd Gear: There will be further reductions in the number of auto dealerships. With a slower economy almost certain in the second half of this year underperforming stores are going to close. Nissan, Ford and some GM stores are relying on incentives and still relatively cheap credit.

Torch, may I humbly request this become a weekly feature? I have so much lust for the BMW...

I didn’t think it was possible but it’s even WORSE than the first one. There is so much hate in the world. Where’s my comfort animal...? Ah, there you are...


So Mercedes is spending ungodly amounts of money to essentially gain just a little more straight line speed? This is my shocked face.

You nailed it... “be required to do so”. I believe the LEVC Electric Van is initially aimed at companies that have to drive into the London Ultra Low Emission Zone and deal with the Congestion Charge.

Come on Torch you can tell us: When you saw those sexy taillights peaking out there did you have to excuse yourself for a moment?

Thank you Torch for writing this. When I read elsewhere that GM was essentially surrendering Australia, Thailand and vast swathes of Asia I was disheartened. While GM has had this coming for decades it’s still sad to watch.

You’d be surprised how common this practice and MANY others are amongst shady dealers. For years consumer advocates have focused on buy here, pay here dealers while large dealer groups have gotten away with murder. The F&I office is where the real profits are made. They care about their customers about as much as

I was ready to come at you hard with a very acerbic response until you mentioned that yoAnd of course there are speed cameras as well. u live in the Awesome Republic of Reasonable People. I mean that seriously not sarcastically. I love Canada. If I could move to BC I would be on the road tomorrow.

Love that episode. The fact that Doug has become as popular and well-known as he is gives me hope. That a weird dude from Colorado talking about ‘quirks and features’ now gets millions of views on YouTube means that there are still Jalops out there.

One of my favorite racing venues is The Race of Gentlemen held in Wildwood, New Jersey. A few years ago a friend dragged me to the Jersey Shore for some ‘vintage racing’. After looking at pics online I wasn’t that enthused. (I was thinking a bunch of douchebros cosplaying like it’s the 50's)

I wouldn't know. I am not, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

The OP stated their opinion that the Supra isn’t selling well because “dealership experience matters to a lot of people spending that kind of money on a car.” He noted that it makes sense that a “non-luxury” brand selling a $50k car probably won’t sell well.

“Who knew that a $50k sports car from a non-luxury brand wouldn’t sell well?”