
I’ve been defending Jalopnik writers against the appearance of an anti-GM bias for the last couple of days. I may be wrong. Yet another “GM is Bad” post? I would have been with you if you had stayed with GM needs to capitalize on their tech R&D. I agree that GM’s lackluster stock price is a reflection of the markets’

You are 100% correct. Most Toyota dealers already have buyers for their allocation of manual Taco’s. You can always order one but prepare to wait. Also, get friendly with your local sales manager. He or she can usually find one somewhere in the country if the corresponding dealer agrees to an exchange.

I like both of those but I’m kinda in love with the GT.

Yeah, my favorite is that radar/lidar detectors are illegal. And the state troopers will confiscate yours if they spot it... Even if you DON'T reside in Virginia. I avoid Virginia as much as possible.

Hey, Nissan gives you options overseas. You want less cab and more bed? Here’s the King Cab for ya.

He may be like my Grandad. He worked until he was 73 and then the family begged him to take it easy. He went from being a happy warrior to a true curmudgeon. He hated ‘retirement’.

Yeah, I’m sure the new Bronco may get ‘upgraded’ as well. In my humble opinion I think GM would have a hit on their hands if they built two and four-door production versions of this... but electrified/hybridized.

Well, they’re referencing a WSJ article about automakers and emissions standards. Is the Journal also hating on GM? I very much doubt that Jalopnik writers are biased against GM. They hate everyone equally which I prefer.

Thanks for the insider’s viewpoint. The late 90's, early 00's was truly nuts in the auto industry/broader economy. I knew GM had huge pension and healthcare liabilities but $100 billion... That'll take out any large company.

I’d love to know just how much of that $771 million is from vehicle sales and how much is from Ferrari branded merchandise.

I spotted this one in Pennsyltucky so I was not shocked at all. This thing would never make it through inspection in the DMV or Delaware. I did not know that NJ changed their inspections to emissions testing only. I'm terrified...

I’ve been seeing more brodozers recently. This one seriously had me laughing for a solid five minutes. It was freaking ridiculous.

While I personally don’t agree with every point argued in the film I do believe GM had ulterior motives with the EV1. You are correct that the EV1 was an engineering exercise with only 1,100 produced during it’s short lifespan. The cars were never meant to be ‘owned’ by the general public for a slew of obvious

I agree with you 100%. I am tough on GM but that’s because I know they can do better. They have some of the best stylists and engineers in the industry. GM should be churning out reliable, attractive and profitable vehicles all over the globe. The worst part is their stylists have produced some beautiful and

I would argue that GM absolutely takes risks but they have historically murdered their own products before they can properly develop. GM developed a viable, promising electric car years before its competitors.

Are you new around here? This is Jalopnik. The auto journos that have survived the past few years at Gawker | G/O can say whatever they want in the comments and I will praise them. (Hey, that’s reader engagement.) The OP got personal and Justin came back with class and data. I don’t call that “defensive”.

You are in my head. I agree with every word you just wrote including the terrible roads and seriously considering snagging a Regular or Fun-Size Land Cruiser. (Fun-Size = GX460) Jalopnik at least keeps it interesting with off the wall stories and Torchlopnik. I’m really worried about this site. Deadspin is supposedly

The taillights are positioned like that for the blind spot monitoring system. (The sensors are on the outside edges of the light assembly) They pretty much have to protrude like that to clear the extended fenders. I know... they're still ugly. Purposeful but ugly.

Newsflash: The auto industry is in the preliminary phase of a revolution. There will be suppliers, retailers and manufacturers that will not make it to 2030. Just take a look at the manufacturers that were sacrificed on the alter in the last 20+ years. Hummer, Pontiac, SAAB, Mercury, Oldsmobile, Saturn, Suzuki, Isuzu.